If you've never had opportunity to delve into the lyrical beauty of Laura Frantz's historical romances, you MUST try to get your hands on one ASAP. Laura's novels carry with them a poetic and descriptive elegance which draws the readers into the throes of history and a passion of intertwined lives.
Laura's heroines are written with three dimensional depth, each growing through the stories and with the powerful heroes she writes.
So - with that in mind, let's see what Laura has to say about heroines.
Who has been one of your favorite heroines to read?
Oh, this is like asking me to choose between Reese’s Cups and Hershey’s Almond Bars! Can I name two favorite heroines? Christy in Catherine Marshall’s Christy is a fav because she went into the wild woods and fell for a handsome if cantankerous Scottish doctor and carved out a meaningful, if often uncomfortable, life for herself in Tennessee. And then there is Valancy Stirling of L. M. Montgomery’s The Blue Castle and her handsome Barney Snaith aka John Foster and their little cabin in the woods. Barney is not a Scotsman (not that I remember) but he’ll do
. Lots of wooing and angst in that one...
Oh Laura, I LOVE Christy!! what a great choice. (and how can you go wrong with a Scot, right?)
Who has been one of your favorite heroines to write?
I have to say Roxanna Rowan – or Roxie as I think of her.
And WHY was she your favorite to write?
Because she was brave enough to take on Colonel McLinn despite his being a tormented, intimidating soul.And also because she was a blend of gentleness and strength despite having T.S.T.L. moments. Of all my heroes, I think the colonel would have been the most tempting to kiss, cribbage game or no! So Roxie wins, hands down.
Oh, I love that Blue Castle is a favorite for you, Laura. I need a reread. What's a TSTL moment? Loved Roxie!
Hi Laura! I'll have to read those books now that you've mentioned them. I may have read Christy in high school. (Won't be saying how long ago that was!) And I don't recall Blue Castle though I thought I'd read most of L.M. Montgomery's books.
Definitely love Roxie and the Colonel! Great book!
Hugs to to you both for the warm welcome! I apologize for being late to the party but am in Scotland without my laptop so internet is very hard to come by. Feels like the 18th-century, lol :). Thanks for the invite - you make this site shine!!
What fun. Always love these tidbits about my favorite authors and books.
Thanks for sharing! Christy is a favorite of mine, too, and thanks to you, I have a soft spot for TBC now, as well. :)
Even though Laura is in Scotland, we still get to visit with her here!! Yay. :) Roxanna and Col. McLinn will forever be two of my favorites, because those were the two characters that introduced me to Laura! I've read all her other books, and can't wait to meet Ellie and Jack in her upcoming novel. Even though I miss having her around the blogosphere, I'm looking forward to the Scottish books she writes after this sojourn to Scotland. :) Hope you're having the time of your life, Laura!!
I don't recall any 'too stupid to live' moments from The Colonel's Lady. If they were there you hid them well because Roxanna and Col McLinn are definitely two of utter favorites!
Their only competition -Lael and Doc Ian or ...Capt Jack.
I've said it before but I'm actually holding off on the Ballantyne Legacy until I finish my WIP and submit it.
Reward system!
Yes, when I saw that Laura was here today I wondered if she'd be joining us from foreign soil. I can't tell you how excited I am to have a Laura Frantz series set in Scotland. It's like one of those new chocolate chip cookie muffin combos that I see all over FB these days...
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