There is a wall-hanging I have with this Bible verse – “Faith
is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see.”
Faith is ‘hope’ with its work clothes on.
So let me clarify.
In the writing world there are a lot of "what ifs". Doubts
creep in to steal our joy, insecurities beats at our confidence, and the temptation
to envy shreds at our peace.
It’s a world of uncertainties.
And as with any other thing in our lives, it can consume us.
It can bring with it worry, fear, and anger sending our spirits
into a storm of doubt.
But Jesus calms storms, if you haven’t heard. He uses faith.
What is faith? It’s believing in the promises of God, even
when what we see or feel contradicts them.
And this faith isn’t some special power of our own making.
It’s something GOD gives us. We can’t do it on our own. We CAN’T have faith on
our own. It’s a gift….from God.
Even faith in your writing.
If you believe God’s called you to this, then there’s a
specific plan for your writing – even if it doesn’t look like it right now.
What? You don’t believe me? You say getting published is as
possible as a 90 year old woman having a baby :-)
Yeah, you know where I’m going with this.
Sarah’s a GREAT example. Abraham’s wife knew God’s
promises. She was going to have a child, but she was moving into the
gray-haired phase of life and there was no crib or even a belly bump in sight.
More waiting.
But Sarah believed God! How do we know? When God told she
and Abraham that it was time, she laughed. Not a ‘you’ve gotta be CRAZY” type
laugh, but a laugh of pure joy.
She trusted God’s promises and reveled in his fulfillment of
Unseen became SEEN.
The writing journey is like this. We can’t see when or how
our stories are going to unfold into an ‘in-print’ reality. We can’t know how
the Master Author will mold and shape his timeline for our lives into the
perfect moment for our unseen to become seen.
But the best way to fight our fears, worries, and
insecurities – is FAITH.
And the best way to encourage faith, is remind ourselves of
God’s promises.
Here are a few:
Ephesians 2:10 For
we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Are we Works in Progress? You
betcha. But we’re created for GOOD works – even our writing. Whether it’s to
minister to thousands, or only to our own hearts.
37:4- Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you
the desires of your heart.
Great verse. When we delight
ourselves in HIM – and the knowledge of His love permeates our vision, then we
desire what HE desires for us. Takes away the envy and the worry :-)
Romans 8:28 And
we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for
those who are called according to his purpose.
If we have been called to create
stories for His glory, then we can have faith that God has a plan.
It may be on the scenic route or
down the road less travelled, but God always fulfills his promises.
He gives us Faith to believe in
His promises – and that’s one of the greatest tools we can have as writers…and
as kids of the King.
Pepper Basham writes Blue Ridge romance peppered with grace and humor. When she's not torturing her fellow Alleycats at The Writers Alley, she can be found at her blog, Words Seasoned with Salt, at her university job, or hanging out with her family in the beautiful mountains of Northeastern Tennessee.

I really needed this reminder!! Beautiful truths. Thanks, Pepper.
I knew Pepper had written this post within the first few words. Why? Because she is such a vibrant woman of faith! Thanks for the encouragement, Pepper, today and always.
What a great way to start a Monday when I am having to examine my writing and where God wants me to go with it! Thanks, Pepper.
Great words of encouragement today, Pepper! It is so wonderful to start the week with this in mind.
Beautiful, Pepper. I needed these reminders. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
Thanks for this! I love what you said about faith being hope with its work clothes on. I might steal that for my art journal!
Oh Karen,
I just Love you!!! I wrote this post because I needed it too :-)
I'm so glad you know my voice :-) Thank you for your sweet words! Look forwarding to seeing you in a week
My pleasure, Julie!
I think examining our writing, in the light of God's gift, is a good place to be :-)
You're welcome - and SO right! It's good to get our thoughts into the right perspective (or write perspective ;-)
My pleasure (and btw, did you see that you won a prize ;-) Your first Julie Lessman book. You'd better send your email my way
Ooo, Rebecca! An art journal. Now that sounds creative ;-)
Thanks, I needed this this morning, Pepper. And I agree with you, Beth, Pepper has a very vibrant faith that really shines through in her posts.
Great encouragement, Pep. There are definitely days it's harder to believe and have that faith. I love how you pointed to God's promises.
Thanks Pepper! I just emailed. Apparently, my other one didn't go through. :) You ladies are wonderful!!!
Love you too, dearest Pep. :o)
Awesome today, Pep! Simply awesome!
Hi Pepper,
Beautiful words. Thank you.
Saying a prayer for you and your writing journey. I know you have a lot of talent and God is waiting for the right time and the right location for your work. Keep on going, girl!
I know all you lovely Alley Cats will eventually realize your dream. You are all such wonderful women as well as writers. Look at the Seekerville ladies. They all got published eventually but each journey was different and unique. Yours will be too!
So very lovely, Pepper. 2 Corinthians 4:18 was my life verse as a teenager: "Fix your eyes not upon what is seen, but upon what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
Thank you for your beautiful words and even more beautiful truth today. ; ) K-
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