Some of us have been more fortunate and are sitting on the back porch, writing away in the glorious warmth, among the spring flowers that are bursting with color. Yes, I just said that and you may hate me now.
Seasons come and seasons go, and during these comings and goings, a person needs to cultivate and prepare for what is ahead. In the gardening world, you must prepare the soil for seeds or seedlings so that your plants will flourish.
The same is true for our hearts. How are you cultivating your heart in preparation for your career as a writer? Here are some ideas for cultivating the heart of a writer in whatever season you may be entering:
PRAYER: Prayer should be the number one priority for a writer. As told in The Story of With by Allen Arnold, when we sink into the heart of God and collaborate with Him, the story within you is the story co-created with God. The story you co-create with Him will be a story worth writing. It will impact readers and bring glory to Him, the creator of the greatest story ever told.
RELATIONSHIPS: Do you have a group of people you can connect with about your writing? About your spiritual walk? About your life? Writers spend a lot of time alone in front of their computer, but they also need human engagement. We need people to speak truth into our lives and help us through the hard times. If you don't have someone to pour your heart out to, pray that God will send you someone to connect with. You need them.
GOD'S WORD: I know you know this, but writers need to be in God's Word and let those words saturate our lives. God is a great storyteller and we can learn much from His Spirit whispering words of encouragement while reading scripture. You can always find words to live by in His Word.
BOOKS TO INSPIRE: Writers need to find books that inspire and encourage them in their own writing journey. Whether it is an amazing piece of fiction that sucks you in and won't let go or a motivating non-fiction book that inspires you to be courageous in whatever you put your hand to, reading great books will help you in your journey.
What have I missed? What do you do to cultivate your heart? What helps you to grow as a person and as a writer?
**Photo credit: fietzfotos at pixabay.com
Sherrinda Ketchersid is a born and bred Texan, preacher’s wife, mother of 4 children, and works part-time as a bookseller at Amazon. With the children grown and out of the house, she weaves tales of fierce knights and their ladies in a time where men were warriors and women had to be strong enough to keep them in check.
After taking time off from writing, she has returned with a new motto in place to spur her on. “Writers write. Everyone else makes excuses.” ~Jack Bickham. No excuses this time. She is weaving her love of romance with history to bring joy and the hope of love to those who may one day read her stories. Her first book, tentatively The Lady's Masquerade, will release April 2019.
You can connect with her through:
Personal blog: sherrinda.com
Twitter: @sherrinda
Instagram: @sherrinda
These are really great reminders and tips. I need them all! Thanks for sharing them. And congratulations on the book contract!
Glynis, I need the reminders too! And thank you! I'm super excited about the book contract!
Thanks for the tips, we can always use reminders.
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