This week my husband and I celebrate an anniversary. It wouldn't be considered a milestone by most, but one more anniversary is a marker to us. We celebrate surviving difficult times, hurt feelings, disappointments, successes, joys, accomplishments and well, the list could go on for an entire page.

In my writing nook, my husband hung each of my published articles and stories like a border along the top of the wall. Guests don't see the display, only family members. Someday he'll have to figure out how to hang a book, too.
What have you done to remind yourself of the accomplishments God has given you?
This week Writer's Alley celebrates two VIP's from our group. One came in first place in her category in a writing contest, and the other came in second in a different category. I don't want to steal their thunder by telling you about their recent accomplishments, you can do that by checking all the posts this week. But I can say I am proud to belong to their group, honored to read their uplifting words, strengthened by their example.
Milestone Memory Makers:
1. Use a computer program to log completed manuscripts (that is an accomplishment!), pending manuscripts, and published manuscripts. Update with each success.2. Build a writer's resume by adding significant published manuscripts. (i.e. to sell a manuscript to a dog magazine, I would want to include any previously published articles about animals) Update resume for each submission tailoring information to match specific publishing houses.
3. Post publication news on your web site, blog, facebook, twitter, etc. Copy any kudo comments for your records. You could post those comments near your computer for encouragement. Perhaps God sent that person to write that specific comment to encourage your current efforts for the article or book you are writing.

5. Journal your successes. Read through it weekly and thank God for His blessings.
Here is an opportunity for you to make a milestone memory. Take a moment to tell us about the successes God has given you in recent writings. Each publication or completed manuscript was a gift from God. Each publication helped some reader in some way somewhere. Well, what are you waiting for? the comment button!
Mary, LOVE LOVE that your hubby did for your writing stuff! How awesome! And I *think* sometimes they give you a flat sheet book cover... so he could hang that up!!
I think also a little scrapbook of memories would be fun for writing stuff too... as unpublished put in pics with other writer's friends, print off e-mails that say, "CONGRATS... you finaled!" and when you're published, booksigning pics, bookmarks, that kinda stuff.
Now that I type that, it feels kinda too "oh la la, looka t me" but I think it'd be fun to have something to look back on and say, wow, look at all God has done!
The journey is what makes it fun:-)
And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! IMHO... every year is a big milestone:-)
What a fun way to see the milestones God has brought you through!
My milestone is that I finally completed my ms a couple of weeks ago. I'm now in full edit mode and it's making that acomplisment look pretty puny. lol...
Thanks Krista,
I suppose the memory/scrapbooks I made for my kids bring smiles for me, and them as they look back on their life.
Think of the lives you will touch when they look back at the memory books you make about your writing. I guess I don't see it as a "look at me thing".
Super congrats on completing your ms. What a great journey you've undertaken. Keep us posted on the progress :)
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Mary!! You guys have a lot to be proud of, sticking together for so long. I love what you said about the milestones, that is very true! Keeping going Mary, I am proud to be in this group with YOU!
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