Saturday, November 10, 2012

What's Up the Street for Next Week?

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Does ice cream motivate you?

I don't get it very often, so last night as I fought for the last 1,000 words of my writing goal, I was fueled by the powerful reminder that ice cream and a movie were my rewards for getting my work done.

Ah the power of motivation!

What do you use for motivation while you're writing and trying to meet a goal? The key for me: making myself actually follow through and finish before rewarding myself. Makes it feel so much more deserved!

What's coming up next week?

Angie pulls an oldie, but a goodie from the archives on Monday. (Shhhh, don't tell anyone...)

Julia does Take II with social media on Tuesday.

Are you still stumped on how to apply the Moral Premise? Then be sure and check out Karen's post on Wednesday

Ashley interviews Beth Vogt on Thursday! Have you seen her new cover? So cute and fun!

Cindy tackles the do's and don'ts of query letters and making sure you write a good one for Friday's post.

Fun word on the street alley news!

Julia is now a reviewer with Library Journal! If you read the publication, be sure and look for our Alley Cat's reviews and insights.


Lindsay Harrel said...

Ice cream is my go-to indulgence, for sure.

Looking forward to the articles this week!

Joanne Sher said...

Sounds like a great week :)