Saturday, September 29, 2012

What's Up the Street for Next Week?

The Alley Cats have NEWS!!
Or rather, I should say ONE of our Alley Cats has news. ;-D

You might have already noticed, but this news deserves a great burst of:

Photo credit: Free Digital Images

And some of this:

Photo credit: Free Digital Images


Our own darling Pepper Basham is now...


You might have noticed in the sidebar already, but it bears sharing in public and shouted from the rooftops!

2012 ACFW Agent of the Year Nicole Resciniti is one blessed agent with our Pepper as her new client!

Oooo, these Alley Cats have been cheering for the week straight. God is AWESOME!!!!

Share your CONGRATS in the comments!!

Back to serious...what's up for next week?

Angie and Julia share what they learned at the ACFW conference on Monday and Tuesday.

It's all about cause and effect with Karen on Wednesday.

Ashley is your lovely hostess on Thursday.

Is your writing a real job yet or just a hobby? Making it serious with Cindy on Friday.


Friday, September 28, 2012

God's Greatest Gifts Don't End After the Conference...

You know ten things I love?

The Alley Cats. While not all of us could be in attendance at the ACFW conference this year, I think in a way of those absent, a bit of their hearts were present on Friday night as we lay on our hotel room beds and laughed, laughed, laughed.

You know one thing I'm always continually amazed about attending these conferences? Yes, we come to learn and pitch and rub shoulders with some of today's best in Christian publishing, but it's the relationships that inspire me.

It's the people who I have no clue who they are, walk up to me and say "I know you!" and I'm not a bit freaked out. (much ;-) It's the people that love you no matter how much your eyes leak on Sunday because you don't want to say good-bye.

It's the people that stand by you through thick and thin no matter if you're celebrating the fantastic news of a brand new agent or upset because your appointment didn't go quite right.

Sure making a connection is great, but you know what has blessed me more than anything else? You know the people who have bent over backwards to introduce me to their agent or give me writing advice or tell me to email them for any help I might need...? They are the ones who have gone out of their way for no other reason then the goodness of their heart. They don't have to help me, but they do. Without question, without barter, they just do. 

So often we go to these conferences with one agenda in mind: land that awesome agent who will make all my dreams come true in this publishing world.

Reality: this publishing world is on an ever shifting playing field. Nothing is ever certain sure for long, including the agent you have or the contract you've signed.

 What doesn't change? The friends we make who become brothers and sisters at the heart level. Sure, it's good to make those connections, don't get me wrong. I made a fabulous one myself this year...but it's not near as important to me as hugging and chatting and laughing with friends who have become ever so dear.

It's dropping your bag at a booth and helping set up an empty table even if it might put you five minutes late to your class. It's skipping out on a planned lecture to sit down with another struggling writer, taking her hands in yours and praying for God's perfect peace with her writing.

It's submitting to God's perfect timing and letting Him put you exactly where He wants you at the perfect time. You never know when that volunteer slot you signed up for, might be the perfect opportunity to make a new and life long friend.

God's biggest blessings to me this year weren't the classes I took or all the notes I brought home, though they were awesome and will prove was the people I met. Seeing a dear friend's little Africa baby for the first time and choking back tears. It's squeezing the neck of an excited friend after she won the Carol award. Wagging my "I-told-you-so" finger in her face. It's laughing and praying with my precious Alley Cats.

I don't care what people say about this industry, how it's constantly fluctuating. How you can't make any money and nothing is certain...I still think it's the best place to make the best of friends.

So let's talk...what's one way God blessed you this year at the conference? And if you couldn't attend, what's one way God blessed your writing and heart during that week?

Casey Herringshaw is a homeschool graduate and has been writing since high school. She lives in rural Eastern Oregon in a town more densely populated with cows than people.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Taking the Jesus out of ACFW.....

SO COOL seeing my books
in the conference bookstore...
even cooler on Saturday seeing them
... (continued from title) would totally stink!

I wrestled with going to ACFW this year.

I'd gone in 2008 and 2009 and LOVED IT. Granted, I'd had frazzled nerves each time, trying to pitch to agents/editors etc. But they were wonderful times of learning about writing craft and networking with authors.

2010 and 2011 I missed because I had a very special little girl at home who needed her mommy much more than mommy needed ACFW.

But 2012 came. And I wanted to go SO INCREDIBLY BAD.

Caramel Mousse Cheesecake. *swoon*
After much fretting about money and praying, my husband and I both decided it'd be best for me to go. It's my first year with a book out. My first year not having to pitch to an agent and editor.

And honestly, the last two years have been brutal. This Mommy needed time away.

Conference without the pressure of pitching was, in one word, AMAZING.

And it wasn't just about not pitching.

Look! We are stair-steps! :-)
It was seriously about Jesus. About being around a group of people who love Jesus and want to write for Him. It was about seeign people stop and pray for each other in the middle of a room without any concern over what others thought. It was about listening to workshops on not being so scheduled that you schedule Jesus into a box. It was remembering that while publishing IS a business, taking Jesus out of your writing equation is counter-productive.

God wants to use our fiction. But He won't if we take Him out of the picture and let all business override our brains.

That's what I learned at ACFW this year.
Casey the... reindeer?
In a way, I rededicated my writing to the Lord who gave me the talent in the first place.

I've rediscovered the JOY in writing/editor/selling books for Jesus. Without Him and without that purpose, it falls pretty flat.

Another thing I learned at ACFW:

Alleycats ROCK.

Seriously. I cannot begin to tell you how amazing it was to spend time with these incredible women that I've been privileged to become a part of. It's odd to walk into a room of strangers and instantly feel this thick-corded connection. To be able to be yourself, drop all pretense, and just relax in your differences.

Oh yeah... and we were crazy a few times too.... we MIGHT have done an extreme amount of laughing.

Discussion: Have you ever rededicated your writing to Jesus? What part does God play in your writing equation?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

ACFW-Blessings and Lessons

As for me...

I walked away from the ACFW conference blessed, enriched, amazed, overwhelmed, and excited.

I wrote this on the last day of the conference. Sunday. There were no appointments with editors/agents or in-depth classes. No furious notes to scribble on the hotel pad of paper because I couldn't find the spiral in the hotel room shared by three wild alley cats.

We did have breakfast, alley cats tend to function better with food. :) 

But most important, we had worship. We gathered around the tables and worshiped God in song and praise, heard a devotion, prayed then said our goodbyes to friends we only knew from online pictures. 

More than a picture or an online user name, we saw each other as a child of God who desperately wanted to serve Him through written words on page. 

Brandilyn Collins spoke to us about the importance of serving God through our writing as Marys not Marthas.

Karen Ball said, in one of her classes, we are to be about His work and not our own, thinking our Martha work pleases Him. The Mary work He has called us to do brings great blessings.

One of my biggest takeaways from a Christian writers conference is witnessing acts of kindness. Conferees went out of their way to help others with their writing. Some gave up appointments to help others meet with a needed editor or agents We prayed with each other, reminding ourselves the appointment was for God and not us. 

Did we sit idly by hoping God would do all the work for us? Ummm NO. Like Mary we sat attentive to speakers and mentors, we soaked up the instruction. I sat in one of Karen Ball's classes. Moments before my meeting with an editor she happend to give an example appropriate for my pitch. I then applied the information in my meeting. My friend, and sister alley cat, Julia, did the same.

So then,

The blessings rained down from heaven. We shared with each other treasured droplets filling buckets from God, and like children we held our hands out and stood amazed.

God is good.

What blessing has God rained on you?

This blog post is by Mary Vee
Mary lives in Montana with her husband and loves to hear from her three college kids. She writes contemporary Christian fiction with a focus on the homeless population and loves to pen missionary and Bible adventure stories on her ministry blog, God Loves Kids.

Visit Mary at her website
Step into Someone Else's World
Ministry blog to families: God Loves Kids

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sneaking Into 2012 ACFW Conference

Yeah, I'm one of three Alley Cats who did not get to attend the 2012 ACFW Conference. While we all wanted to attend, I was the lucky one to live close enough to attend the MyBookTherapy Pizza party Friday night and the Awards Gala Saturday night.
Angie taught us the Low Rider move. 
I have never...EVER...met an online friend in person. (I take that back...I did meet Angie for lunch once!) So I was a little nervous! Would my Alley Cats be like I thought they were online and through email? Would I fit in? How awkward would it be to just show up in the midst of their conference experience?

Well, I'm here to tell ya...the Alley Cats ARE amazing! They ARE so nice, so sweet, so loving, so welcoming, family. I felt like I was with sisters. They included me in their circle and shared their conference experiences, letting me into their lives, getting to know them better.

 It's been interesting reading some of the post-conference posts online, as many of them have focused on the relationships formed, instead of on writing. Some focus on the spiritual aspect of the conference, listening for God, refocusing their goals, dreaming bigger dreams.

I wasn't there for the whole conference, but I do know that relationships are important. They need to be nurtured. We must work at connecting with others in a way that is meaningful and purposeful.

Our God is a God of relationships. His desire is to have a relationship with us and have us become the kind of people that radiate His love for others. We are His hands, His feet, His heart.

So reach out to one another. Encourage each other. Pray for each other. Build each other up in love. His love.

How was your conference experience? Have you been to a conference where you expected one thing and received something different?

This post is brought to you by
 Sherrinda Ketchersid

Sherrinda is wife to "Pastor John" and mother to three giant sons and one gorgeous daughter. A born and bred Texan, she writes historical romance filled with fun, faith, and forever love.

Monday, September 24, 2012

ACFW update


Well, I got in from my flight around midnight, and even though my eyelids are puffy and my thoughts come like their being pulled through a strainer, it has been a fabulous weekend.

We got to celebrate as our wonderful Cindy Wilson was listed as a Finalist.

And spend so much time just chatting together on Friday night (as you could see in the video)

The BEST part of ACFW for me is the relationship-building. Oh my goodness! God has been so good to give me (and many other people here) to create new relationships and renew older ones.

I want to really encourage all of you to keep this point in perspective. Building relationships, especially our spiritual relationship, trumps all the editor/agent appointments, requests, and great pitches.

Rachel Hauck brought attention to the scene in the Bible with Mary and Martha. Martha was working away, taking care of Jesus and his disciples, while Mary sat at Jesus' feet. Martha started complaining, saying "Jesus, I'm over here working away and Mary's just sitting around listening to you." (paraphrase ;-)

What did Jesus say? Something like - "Martha, you are worrried about many things, but only ONE thing is important right now. Mary's found the ONE thing." (again, Paraphrase :-)

What is that One thing?
Jesus - and the relationship we build with him.

Conference can be hectic, crazy, and scary. It can pull your mind and spirit in good directions and bad. But only ONE thing is the most important at the heart of all the chaos.
His Call in your life - His direction of your path - His guidance related to the story written on the pages of your life.

I LOVED meeting my Alley Cats.
I LOVED spending time with fabulous people like Lindsey Harrell and Gabrielle Meyer. Laughing with the marvelous Jeanne T and dosey-do-ing with the MBT gals.
I LOVED having prayers with Beth Vogt and laughing with Tina Radcliffe and Mary Connealy.
But at the end of the day, when you check out of the hotel and are faced with a blank computer screen on the flight home......there is only ONE THING that holds all this together.

btw, thee pic at the top was taken by the fabulous Renee Ann Smith.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Live From ACFW - Part 2

Hi Everyone!

The Alley Cats are all sitting in the hotel room chatting about lots of things....most of them inappropriate for cyberspace :-)

It's such a blessing to share this time with these ladies and get to know them so much better.

Live from ACFW....part 1

So, we are all pretty tired tonight, but so excited to be in Dallas tonight. To give you a brief taste of our time so far, here are some live glimpses. More will be coming tomorrow.

Here is a pic of our purple mashed potatoes at dinner :-)

And THIS is a wonderful pic (minus Pepper's surprised expression) of the Alley Cats who are here so far!

Here's what we have for you so far :-)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Conference Appointments

Since so many you will either be attending the ACFW conference or another conference this year, today I want to talk about what you can expect when meeting with agents and editors for those one-on-one appointments, and also some things to remember.

The Practical

I remember my first one-on-one meeting. It was with Ami McConnell, and I was terrified because I adore her. I had no idea what to expect or how nervous I would feel waiting for that appointment with all the other people waiting for their own appointments. The impending doom was palpable! Just kidding. But in all seriousness, conference appointments can sometimes feel like a meeting with the principal, but they don't have to be that way. If you've never been to an appointment with an editor or agent before, essentially what happens is you'll find the appointment waiting area, and then your name will be called whenever the editor or agent is finished with their last appointment. Someone will usher you to the editor or agent's table, where you'll sit down and just talk about your book. It's that simple. Yes, nerves can really build up in that waiting time... like waiting at the doctor's office! But something I recommend is that you look around to the others who are waiting and see if you can offer encouragement to them. I guarantee someone will be more nervous than you, and shifting your focus away from yourself will not only help another person, it will also help you.

The Deeper Level

What an editor or agent is looking for during an appointment, essentially, is a spark and a connection with the author. So it doesn't really matter if you miss a word of your perfectly-rehearsed pitch. This isn't an oral book report. They are much more concerned with whether or not you are someone they would like to work with (i.e.-did you show up on time, is your one sheet well-written, do you have a positive attitude and demonstrate professionalism, etc.). They also want to see some kind of spark or hook in you or your work that inspires them to want to invest (and buying your book IS an investment for them) in your work. So be enthusiastic when talking about your story. Get them excited without being too cheesy. Wouldn't you want to see the same thing if you were an editor or agent?

The Heart

Something I would encourage you to remember is that editors and agents are not mean people. They love books just as much as you do. Probably more than you do, actually, because their whole job is to promote the selling of stories and to make stories better. They are not waiting for you to fail. I think it's so important to go into your appointment with a heart that is at peace with the fact that you are looking for a partner in this business, someone you can trust with your story. Yes, you will probably be nervous. Everyone feels that way. But beyond the nerves, realize and remember that the person you are going to speak with wants to see you succeed. They want you to be the next bestseller, and to have discovered you themselves. If you get a "no," don't take that personally. Smile and thank them for their consideration and time. If you make a good impression, you never know what opportunities may await you the next go around.

Do you have any stories to share about conference appointments? What advice would you add to this list?

*Photo from

Ashley Clark writes romantic comedy with southern grace. She's dreamed of being a writer ever since the thumbprint-cookie-days of library story hour. Ashley has an M.A. in English and enjoys teaching literature courses at her local university. She's an active member of ACFW and runs their newcomer's loop. When she's not writing, Ashley's usually busy rescuing stray animals and finding charming new towns. You can find Ashley on her personal blogFacebook,Pinterest, and Twitter. She is represented by Karen Solem.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A conference prayer

It’s here! ACFW 2012! Watch out for our Alleycats who will be LIVE BLOGGING from Dallas as conference kicks off.


So many hopes and expectations converge over these next few days. Let’s pray that God will be at the center of it all.

For those who are travelling… Lord, keep them safe. We ask for itineraries to run smoothly, for timely flight connections, for safety on the road, for time to reflect and relax and mentally prepare.

For those who are anxious… Lord, give them peace. In all the hurry and busyness, let them turn their minds to you and find a place of calm. Take away all anxiety and worry, pressure and expectation, and fear of the unknown. Replace these things with your perfect peace. May they rest in you.

For those attending conference for the first time… Lord, may they have the time of their lives. We pray for new friendships to be formed, for eyes and ears wide open to soak everything in, for hearts willing to learn and the confidence to go after their dreams.

For those who’ve been before… We thank you for friends old and new, for fun and laughter, for morning coffee-runs and conversations that last late into the night. We ask for eyes to see those who are lonely or in need of encouragement, and the generosity of spirit to reach out beyond themselves and help someone else along the way.

For writers who are feeling burnt out… Lord, give them fresh inspiration. Fresh ideas. Fresh joy in the craft and a renewed passion for their calling. You know those who need a little extra something this year. Those who’ve pursued their dreams for so long they’ve grown tired and discouraged along the way. Please bless them with a song in Praise and Worship, a light-bulb moment in a workshop, a word of encouragement from a respected mentor, the divine connection they so desperately need, the open door they’ve been longing for.

For writers who are pitching… Lord, please gift them with peace and clarity. Help them articulate the essence of their story with passion and heart. Give them the confidence to believe in their ideas and the grace to understand that not every editor or agent will be a perfect fit for them. We pray for a spirit of calm over the appointment tables, for great conversations between writers and industry professionals, for writers to leave their appointments feeling satisfied that they represented themselves well.

For the editors and agents… This is such a busy time for them. Amid the clamor of voices, pitches and ideas, please give them the discernment to recognize the people and projects that would be a great fit for them. Keep them sharp and alert to what your Spirit is saying. Give them the ability to filter through distraction – a noisy lunch table, an imperfect pitch from a nervous writer – and catch the heart of each idea that is offered. May they consider each project with open-mindedness, honesty and grace. When they are tired, please refresh their spirits. We pray for blessed times with colleagues, valuable professional connections, and exciting new projects to acquire.

For those who can’t go to conference… Lord, help us to trust in your good plans for our writing journey. Renew our spirits. As we hear good news and exciting stories filtering back from our writer friends at conference, may we rejoice with them whole-heartedly. We thank you for how far you’ve brought us and give you praise that the best is yet to come.


How can we pray for you this week? Please share your prayer requests in the comments section so we can lift each other up in faith!

Images courtesy of

Karen Schravemade lives in Australia. When she's not chasing after two small boys or gazing at her brand-new baby girl, she spends her spare minutes daydreaming about the intricate lives of characters who don't actually exist. Find her on her website, on Twitter or getting creative over at her mummy blog.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Its Raining on Prom Night: Tea and Sympathy for those Missing Conference


Last year I was disappointed to miss conference and wrote about it here.

I talked to one Alley-Mate on the phone and told her this year would not be my year either. Texas was just too far away.

Well, God has surprises in store and I am sharing this to show you that just because this year isn't your year...who knows...

I have never traveled on my own before. When I realized the hotel was right at the airport and I wouldn't have to worry about transportation my sweet hubby and I talked. In spite of the challenges, we decided this would be my year. I was sure I wasn't attending and ended up signing up the first week the conference opened. 

As I'm dealing with the last minute details of conference, I leave you with this post from last year and the fact that next year, next week, always comes with fresh new possibilities.

I haven't traveled on a plane since 9/11 and I'm desperately shy so if you see me know that attending ACFW is part of my walk of faith this year. 

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Whatever the Lord has in store for you this week you can be sure its the very best. 

If I were your next door neighbor, I'd bring over a box of See's truffles and a box of tissue.  Call this your virtual box of truffles.

Conference season is upon us.  We've had a great week of posts on the conference which I plan to save for future reference.  But I know some of you are reading all these "getting ready for conference" posts on our blogs and others and well, let's get real here, maybe feeling a little green in the gills.

Here are my top tips for the "missing conference blues":

1.  Spend some extra time in the Word.  God knows our disappointments in our writing life and in other parts of our life.  Some recent verses in my life for fighting discouragement:

Romans 8:28-30 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brother. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.

Psalm 9:9-10 The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.
And those who know your name put their trust in you,
for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.

Psalm 62:8 Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us.

Psalm 63:5-8 My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food,
and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips,
when I remember you upon my bed,
and meditate on you in the watches of the night;
for you have been my help,
and in the shadows of your wings I will sing for joy.
My soul clings to you;
your right hand upholds me.

2.  Write your thousand gifts and thank God for them.  Why not take some time to reflect on the things God has done in your writing life (and in the rest of your life) in the past year.  I know usually I'm more apt to grumble when I'm not being so conscious about being thankful.

3. Put it in perspective.  As Chip said, many writers have disappointed expectations regarding conference.  I think many of us also lack perspective about not attending conference.  Conference is built up and sometimes we forget that God can make a way for us to make connections without attending the conference.  Granted many important connections are made at conference, but some are not.

4.  Have a mini-conference at home.  Last year I found the ACFW conference CDs to be a very worthwhile investment because I was able to listen to ALL the conference.  If you can't afford the package, there are places where you can purchase single CDs or MP3 recordings.  For the price of a mass market paperback you could download MP3 recordings at Best Christian Conferences.  Sit down with a notebook and study a writing topic of interest.

5.  See if you can fit in a little extra time to write.  Sometime during that week, try to find a larger chunk of writing time to remind yourself that its really all about love for the craft.  Maybe see if you can head to Starbucks for a few hours early on a Saturday morning.

6.  Look at the big picture.  God has a plan for your life. He has a plan for your writing.  He wants to use it to glorify Him.  How can you do that right where you are?

7.  Plan for the Season. Only God knows the plans He has in store for us.  Finances, health, children, jobs, homeschooling...whatever the reason you are not able to make it to conference...God knows and He sympathizes even in the small disappointments of life. Through the blogosphere I've connected with writers who have been through difficult seasons in their writing life.  One writer spent 5 years on her first book while she was homeschooling her sons.  As more seasoned writers share their experiences we can find encouragement.

Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Jesus Christ as Lord, continue to live in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught-and overflowing with thankfulness.

I leave you with a quote by Jon Acuff that inspired me: "Never compare your beginning to someone else's middle."

Go forth!

 Julia enjoys writing women's fiction whenever she can find a chair free of smushed peanut butter sandwiches and lego blocks. She is a wife and homeschooling mama of two littles. She also currently reviews for The Title Trakk and Christian Library Journal. 

Its Raining on Prom Night...Tea and Sympathy for the Disappointed Writer


Last year I was disappointed to miss conference and wrote about it here.

I talked to one Alley-Mate on the phone and told her this year would not be my year either. Texas was just too far away.

Well, God has surprises in store and I am sharing this to show you that just because this year isn't your year...who knows...

I have never traveled on my own before. When I realized the hotel was right at the airport and I wouldn't have to worry about transportation my sweet hubby and I talked. In spite of the challenges, we decided this would be my year. I was sure I wasn't attending and ended up signing up the first week the conference opened. 

As I'm dealing with the last minute details of conference, I leave you with this post from last year and the fact that next year, next week, always comes with fresh new possibilities.

I haven't traveled on a plane since 9/11 and I'm desperately shy so if you see me know that attending ACFW is part of my walk of faith this year. 

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Whatever the Lord has in store for you this week you can be sure its the very best. 

If I were your next door neighbor, I'd bring over a box of See's truffles and a box of tissue.  Call this your virtual box of truffles.
Conference season is upon us.  We've had a great week of posts on the conference which I plan to save for future reference.  But I know some of you are reading all these "getting ready for conference" posts on our blogs and others and well, let's get real here, maybe feeling a little green in the gills.

Here are my top tips for the "missing conference blues":

1.  Spend some extra time in the Word.  God knows our disappointments in our writing life and in other parts of our life.  Some recent verses in my life for fighting discouragement:

Romans 8:28-30 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brother. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.

Psalm 9:9-10 The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.
And those who know your name put their trust in you,
for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.

Psalm 62:8 Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us.

Psalm 63:5-8 My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food,
and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips,
when I remember you upon my bed,
and meditate on you in the watches of the night;
for you have been my help,
and in the shadows of your wings I will sing for joy.
My soul clings to you;
your right hand upholds me.

2.  Write your thousand gifts and thank God for them.  Why not take some time to reflect on the things God has done in your writing life (and in the rest of your life) in the past year.  I know usually I'm more apt to grumble when I'm not being so conscious about being thankful.

3. Put it in perspective.  As Chip said, many writers have disappointed expectations regarding conference.  I think many of us also lack perspective about not attending conference.  Conference is built up and sometimes we forget that God can make a way for us to make connections without attending the conference.  Granted many important connections are made at conference, but some are not.

4.  Have a mini-conference at home.  Last year I found the ACFW conference CDs to be a very worthwhile investment because I was able to listen to ALL the conference.  If you can't afford the package, there are places where you can purchase single CDs or MP3 recordings.  For the price of a mass market paperback you could download MP3 recordings at Best Christian Conferences.  Sit down with a notebook and study a writing topic of interest.

5.  See if you can fit in a little extra time to write.  Sometime during that week, try to find a larger chunk of writing time to remind yourself that its really all about love for the craft.  Maybe see if you can head to Starbucks for a few hours early on a Saturday morning.

6.  Look at the big picture.  God has a plan for your life. He has a plan for your writing.  He wants to use it to glorify Him.  How can you do that right where you are?

7.  Plan for the Season. Only God knows the plans He has in store for us.  Finances, health, children, jobs, homeschooling...whatever the reason you are not able to make it to conference...God knows and He sympathizes even in the small disappointments of life. Through the blogosphere I've connected with writers who have been through difficult seasons in their writing life.  One writer spent 5 years on her first book while she was homeschooling her sons.  As more seasoned writers share their experiences we can find encouragement.

Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Jesus Christ as Lord, continue to live in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught-and overflowing with thankfulness.

I leave you with a quote by Jon Acuff that inspired me: "Never compare your beginning to someone else's middle."

Go forth!

 Julia enjoys writing women's fiction whenever she can find a chair free of smushed peanut butter sandwiches and lego blocks. She is a wife and homeschooling mama of two littles. She also currently reviews for The Title Trakk and Christian Library Journal.