
Saturday, May 5, 2012

What's Up the Street for Next Week?

Who else is oh-so-glad to see May here? I love this month for so many reasons, but one of the best is the new and DEBUT novels that have been releasing this month by friends from the Alley.

Check out the Sidewalk section this weekend for links to check out parties and spread-the-news blog hops for these fantastic novels.

We're all in countdown mode for Krista's debut novel to hit shelves this fall. The wait will be well worth it, we know!

Check out the coming attractions...

You've got the first line, now you just need a first chapter to follow it up. Pepper has it for you on Monday!

Sherrinda tackles the lies our characters believe on Tuesday.

Mary is all about dialogue on Wednesday with her third installment of why writers should read.

Krista hosts guest debut author Beth Vogt here on the blog on Thursday. You DO turn your real life experiences into your novels, don't you??

Casey is taking over Friday! Stop by for an incredibly entertaining and witty post (probably not, it'll just showcase something she is learning) on the craft of writing. ;-)

Sidewalk Talk...
Katie Ganshert's debut novel hits store shelves on Monday. In celebration, she hosted a blog hop with people's stories of wildflowers from winter. You can read Sherrinda and Casey's posts and check out the rest of the hop here.

Check out the invite to the Debutante's Story Soiree here, going down on May 15th!


  1. Sounds like a great week, as usual. Looking forward to it!

  2. Excited to share it with you, Joanne! :)

  3. Looks great, Case. Beth's cover is outstanding. Love them all. Wow.

    And I just purchased Cara Putnam's novel, A Wedding Transpires. Wooohoooo

  4. You're in for some fun reading, Pepper! I bet you'd LOVE Beth's book!
