But while we wait, how about we continue to hone our OWN craft in the hopes of someday holding within our hands a book of our own imagination.
What a day that will be!
Hopefully the coming week on the Alley will contain nuggets of advice that stir your writing soul and motivate you to continue working! We're all on this journey together. :-)
Coming Up....
When you get those contest entries returned dripping story blood, the inspiration to write often lacks. But on Monday, Angie shares how to fire that motivation. Join the conversation!
Julia explores why the joy can leave our writing journey and how to get it back on Tuesday.
Part two in Sarah's Self -Editing Check List brings in Scene Analysis on Wednesday. Take that scene to the next level and find out what you might be missing!
I'm fallllinnng! It's the Backstory Backslide. We've all fallen down that slippery slope and on Thursday Wendy has tips to rescue us from that oh-so-tempting downfall to our fiction.

You have a story to tell. And no one else can tell it like you. Cindy will close our work week on Friday with a post sure to encourage you to keep writing, no matter what story is laid on your heart.
The NewsStand
The winner of a 5 page critique is.... Susan Anne Mason! Susan, if you see this before I have the chance to contact you, email your five pages to Casey at caseymh18(@)gmail(.)com.
You can still enter to win Cara Lynn Jame's latest, Love on Assignment on Casey's blog here.
Did you know you can connect with the Alley Cats on Facebook?
Prayers are always welcome for Sarah's sister who just had a heart transplant and is going home and for Krista's baby Annabelle who is waiting for her new heart.
Help raise money for Ronald McDonald charities! "Like" this page on Facebook. If the page hits 20,000 "likes" $5,000 dollars will be given to Ronald McDonald homes! (as heard on KLOVE)
Visit the ACFW Conference page to see the new info filtering in. September will be here before you know it!
Share with book you are most looking forward to releasing!
Have a great weekend from the Alley Cats!
What a wonderful picture of book covers today! Wow! And SUPER excited. I can't wait to get my hands on Laura Frantz's new book. Yipee!!
And I saw Lorna's book at Amazon the other day. Oh what fun! Can't wait.
Lorna's book is out??!! I can't wait for Laura's...and Julie's...and Jody's. And Mary DeMuth! And can't wait to read Carla Gade's work when it comes out.
PEPPER, isn't it EXCITING??? There is going to be some GREAT books out this summer. :)
JULIA, I think Lorna's book hits shelves in May. TOO far away. Sigh. :) I haven't read Mary DeMuth yet, is she good?? She's on my wishlist.
I'm excited to read just about everything that is due to be published. I just hit the Christian bookstore and came home with a stash of new releases but I'm at work so I can't tell you what's in the pile. I think the spring is going to be amazing with all the new releases hitting the shelves. Is it my imagination or are more books released in the spring and in the fall then any other time of year?
ooooo great books! Thanks for the update!
KAV, ooo, sounds exciting! I love book shopping. :) And I think you are correct that books are generally released during those two seasons. :)
DEBRA, doesn't it look exciting?? Thanks for stopping by today!
Ooo, Case.
We just need THREE MORE SUBSCRIBERS and we get to have a party.
Possibly a book giveaway.
I'm in the mood - how 'bout you?
My jaw dropped when I opened the window this morning. Hopefully a dancing party next weekend???
You dance!
I'll clap and try for meaningful rhythmic movements...without falling.
Three more subscribers for what party? I'll sign up, especially if it means a book giveaway!
Oooh, all those good books coming soon! I can't wait! And yay for a possible party - a book giveaway sounds great!
PEP, lol, I love to dance...just don't know how!! :D
CHRISTINE, YEP, books I am sure!!!
CINDY, I know, I know, it's exciting to just THINK about!! We should get these ladies on the Alley....
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