Some travel the Hard Road, others the Long Road.
Very few glide down Easy Street.
Very few glide down Easy Street.
Most stumble or crawl down several streets along the way to Published Central at the heart of town.
Along the way, authors gain knowledge and experience in town, by visiting places like:
The Book Shop – filled with millions of books on the art, craft, and technique of writing.
A Novel Idea – The creation place, where ideas begin and form into multi-layered plots.
Character Arts and Craft Store – Designing, developing, and dreaming believable characters into flesh-and-blood visions on a page.
Twice Read Tales- where editing and revision become your teachers
BookEnds Desserts – deciding how to end your story with the best bang, most closure, and greatest satisfaction.
Dee Script Shunn Floral Shop – the finishing touches to your manuscript that adds the colored ink to the black and white picture. The decoration of your words to hold all the beautiful ideas together in a lovely word picture.
Contest Corner – a small shop in the middle of town, usually overshadowed by larger buildings, but a great place to gain experience, glean wisdom from veterans in the field, and toughen your skin for critiques.

The Prints and the Blog CyberNook– Marketing and learning the ropes of cyberspace – along with great opportunities for research and building relationships in the writing world.
Those of us here at The Writer’s Alley, know what it’s like to walk down the streets to publication. We’re on it with you. Come join us as we develop this site to encourage you by sharing our paths, knowledge, struggles and triumphs.
If you’ve ever visited the wonderful blog called Seekerville at http://seekerville.blogspot.com/, the Writer’s Alley hopes to build the same type of encouragement and support for aspiring (and published) authors.
Help us get started up the right alley with suggestions about topics. We have a lot of our own ideas, but we’d love to hear from you too.
Welcome to The Writer’s Alley.
Those of us here at The Writer’s Alley, know what it’s like to walk down the streets to publication. We’re on it with you. Come join us as we develop this site to encourage you by sharing our paths, knowledge, struggles and triumphs.
If you’ve ever visited the wonderful blog called Seekerville at http://seekerville.blogspot.com/, the Writer’s Alley hopes to build the same type of encouragement and support for aspiring (and published) authors.
Help us get started up the right alley with suggestions about topics. We have a lot of our own ideas, but we’d love to hear from you too.
Welcome to The Writer’s Alley.
As you can see I FINALLY made it to the page. The third time was the charm. Thank you so much for the invitation. I think it's a wonderful start. I like the colorful layout. I see great and awesome things for you. I'm proud of you and Sherrinda for giving it a go.
You are awesome. What an encourager!! And if you ever want to fill a slot on this page, PLEASE let us know. Your humor would be a WONDERFUL addition
Thanks for mentioning Seekerville, Pepper. We wouldn't be near as great a blog without you and Tina and the others who hang around with us there.
This is soooo lovely. What character and voice. Like a book, it is uniquely you. Congratulations. I can't wait until your open house.
I agree Tina, Pepper has an amazing ability with words. Thanks so much for stopping by!! :)
What a great site. I look forward to reading all the helpful information I will be finding here.
I laughed over the names for the shops, what a fun way to demonstrate the hard work involved in writing.
Congratulations on this new endeavor.
WHOO-HOO, GUYS, THIS IS SOOOOO COOL!!! Super congrats on your new blog, and I pray God blesses it and you abundantly! Pep, Sherrinda and Casey -- you are three of my favorite online friends, so you know I will be checking this blog out a lot!
Happy Saturday!
Thanks, Diane.
We really look forward to 'growing' it :-) Right now, it's in progress. But what a fun process.
Oh gee, I'm starting to sound like Dr. Seuss. Better stop :-)
Love the site, Pepper and pals! Congratulations on making it inviting and educational. God's richest blessings on your journey. :)
What fun to discover your awesome new blog this morning. I enjoyed browsing the pages and seeing all the cool stuff you have to offer.
Thanks for the link to my site. I'm honored.
I love this blog already! Can't wait to read future posts :)
Thank you Mia, Pepper did a great job on the first post. Sherrinda is a natural designer. :)
JULIE!! So glad you stopped by, you always make me smile, so sweet what you said- thank you!!
Thanks for stopping by everyone, this adventure is going to be awesome!!
This site is beautifully designed and full of inspiration! Thanks for sharing your talent and wisdom!
Donna Winters
I can tell this is going to be a fun and worthwhile blog. . . CONGRATS and BLESSINGS!
This site is beautiful, and lyrical. It has the feel of vacation with a great book.
Thank you for sharing your creative enthusiasm!
Sibella Giorello
Congratulations on the new site. It's lovely. I just became a follower.
Wishing you the best and all of God's blessings,
Congratulations. This is a lovely site. It's clear, attractive, and easy to navigate. Thanks for posting the notice about it on WritePublishMarket.
Author of You Want Me to Do WHAT? Journaling for Caregivers
Thank you ladies for stopping by. I think I can speak for my partners when I say that your enthusiam and support is humbling and heartening!
I can tell this is going to be fun. :)
Hmm, maybe I shouldn't say partners, with today's society. :) How about co-authors!
Hi from New Zealand! I'm an aspiring author! I have a dream to write God-glorifying Christian fiction. My passion is for marriage/relationships and my dream is to write what I've learned into stories that will encourage and inspire as well as challenge. My dream is to be published by one of the big Christian publishing houses in the US. I'm literally right at the beginning of my journey. Kind of wondering where to start - it kind of feels a bit overwhelming. I know I just have to start writing! Any tips for actually beginning, resources to help me get what is in my heart onto paper. Things in my life are coming together where I will (very soon) have time to prioritize it. Yay!
Yes, I'll be sticking around...looking forward to joining you on the journey!!
Love your new blog's format and concept. Look forward to checking out your posts. We'll be adding a link at our new blog.
Stephen & Janet
Elizabeth! Wow, so great to have you here! We have a lot in common, I am just learning too, and you are absolutely right- start writing and start reading self help books, and it will be so possible! Hopefully this blog with be helpful. :)
Thanks for adding a link back here Janet, we appreciate that!!
What a great group of visitors for the first day. Has anyone provided this crew with some tasty treats? I have some yummy blondies, fresh from the oven. Take your pick. And don't forget a cold glass of milk or cup of coffee to go with them.
Can't wait to read the comments. So glad Casey is on the ball here. Go! Casey!
Oh I'm glad you stopped by. I still have lots of work to do on my pages, but Krista's 'Intimates' is absolutely LOVELY.
It's still a work in progress, but what fun!!
Keli & Mia,
Thanks for stopping by. We hope to provide more info and encouragment for readers and authors alike. It's been absolutely wonderful getting to know the other co-authors. They're a GREAT bunch of ladies.
Donna & Millie,
Thanks for stopping by. As Casey said,"this adventure is going to be awesome"
WOW, I ditto Casey and Pepper, thanks EVERYONE for stopping by and saying hello on our launch day! It's gonna be a FUN first week at the Writer's Alley!
Cool blog! I can't wait to read what's next!
XOXO~ Renee
Oh my goodness! Look at all the sweet visitors! And I didn't even have a chance to announce it on my blog yet! lol Goodness, what a great turnout! Hey...Pep, I'm bringing the chocolate! Can't celebrate without chocolate, you know. Right, Krista?
Looks like a great blog! Congrats on your opening day, and I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us!
Thank you Deborah for stopping by!! What a treat to see you here, it means so much! :)
I noticed you are going to be at BRMCWC this year!! I can't wait to get to visit with you again. You are such an encourager!
Sherrinda... you bring the chocolate... but I will bring the chocolate BROWNIES! Pregnancy cravings, what can I say!
Deb, thanks SO SO much for stopping by! You critiqued my WIP at 2009 ACFW... and I still remember floating on air for days after thinking, "Oh my goodness... DEB RANEY laughed at my book!" In a good way, of course, ha!
Hi ladies! Love, love, LOVE your new blog! I'm following and coming back often to chat! Best wishes and hugs! =)
Hi Cathy! Great to see you here! Thanks for stopping by. :)
What a great site! I love the graphics and the whole look and feel. It's obvious you're a group of extremely creative women, and I look forward to many more visits.
I was glad to see that you listed Penelope Stokes' book in the Resource Shop. It's one of my favorites. I also recommend Dwight Swain's TECHNIQUES OF THE SELLING WRITER and Christopher Vogler's THE WRITER'S JOURNEY.
Oh, thank you Amanda for the book recomindations! That is actually my page- love, love Dr. Stokes book! I will have to keep those in mind the next time I make an Amazon order. :D
Hi Cathy! I'm so glad you stopped by! You are always a friendly face!
And Amanda...are you the Amanda Cabot, authoress of Scattered Petals and Paper Roses? Even if you aren't, we are honored you stopped by! Thanks for the encouragement!
Oh my stars, this is just lovely.
Absolutely lovely. I'm totally in, entrenched and enchanted.
Wonderful job, ladies! Oh my gosh, how much fun is this????
I'm smelling chocolate, sipping cappuccino (not too strong, I like mine Americanized, yes, I'm a wimp and proud of it...) with whipped cream of course because milk foam is... well... milk foam.
I mean, are ya' kiddin' me?????
And the Seekerville shout out?
We are honored. And blessed. Blessed to be able to share this journey in so many ways, and offer our love and support (and tissues) to such a great group of gals.
Umm.. I'm late. The donuts are a touch stale.
But the chocolate is melt-in-your-mouth wonderful!
Love you guys. Seriously.
Yipee! You came!!
And you DO know we are 'daughters' of Seekerville, right? You guys inspired us.
Can we be daughters, Pepper??? I think I'm right up there with them in age...unless they can spawn really, really, REALLY young!
Okay, Ruth, you got me with the whipped cream! Thick and rich, whipped with a touch of vanilla...sigh...can you see my mustache?
Alright - we'll do like churches
We'll be a 'sister sight' :-)
Yes, Sherrinda, that is the Amanda Cabot of Paper Roses and Scattered Petals. :)
Ruth!! Thanks for stopping by!
My goodness, I'm not used to having famous people stop by. :) That's one of the best things about the writing community. There is so much support, love, and giving back! I love it!
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