Monday, June 13, 2016

More than Words: SPECIAL on One Sheets

You've spent months, perhaps years, pouring your heart into your story. The picture has been painted in your mind, but others can only "see it" by reading a finished product. You know every detail of the main character's face, the way the setting's landscape rolls and dips, and the emotions that glaze the story with a certain feel unique to your writing alone.

But it has to be read, first. And you believe in it so much that you are going to share it at a writer's conference, and you are going to sit face to face with an industry professional, perhaps your only shot, and spill the goodness of your story in a 15 minute session. 

Wouldn't it be great if you could offer a gateway to your story world with a burst of flavor and a sprinkle of anticipation before the professional even reads the first page? How about hooking them before you even speak a word past your own introduction?  Your story could blossom in the mind of that one person who will eventually take it into their care and put the story on the shelves of every God-ordained reader out there. And it might just start with that perfect one sheet.

A one sheet isn't just a "cheat sheet" for your editor/agent appointment. It's the visual representation of your book. Just as writing craft gurus insist that all the senses are described within your storytelling, your appointment with an editor/agent isn't just about the speaking, hearing, and's about the seeing, too. Be sure you have a one sheet that secures a long-lasting impression of that story that they just can't get out of their head.

Need a one sheet design that's professional and custom to your special story? I am here to help and work hard to produce the perfect visual that fits your story. I have a special going on right now! $25 off til July 15th! Click on the link to learn more and contact me soon!

Want to learn more about how to create one sheets?  Here's a link to my one sheet design tips:  Design and Conquer

Any specific design questions? I'd love to chat graphics today!!

Angie Dicken is a full-time mom and lives in the Midwest with her Texas Aggie sweetheart. An ACFW member since 2010, she has written six historical novels and is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of The Steve Laube Agency. Angie also spends her time designing one-sheets and drinking good coffee with great friends. Check her personal blog at and connect at:
Twitter: @angiedicken


Robin E. Mason said...

now how did i know this was Angie's post?? heehee what a great offer for your beautiful product!

Angie Dicken said...

Thanks, Robin!