Wednesday, June 4, 2014

"Are you proud to put your name on this?" - guest post with author Christy Kyser Truitt and a giveaway!

“Are you proud to put your name on this?”
I stood in the kitchen, holding my breath and out my hope as the hubby glanced over what I considered a rather juicy passage in my first manuscript. He read in silence except for a few, “hmmphs” along the way. I couldn’t stand the wait any longer. “What do you think?”
His eyes, a very particular blue which stole my heart almost thirteen years ago, looked at me hard and asked, “Are you proud to put your name on this?”
I wanted to grab the pages and run, embarrassed that he didn’t prostrate in awe over my literary prowess. What did he know? His reading consisted of eBay ads and Craigslist deals of the day. I tried to soothe my feelings with superiority when reality slipped under the door.
He was right.
In this corner of time, I had allowed the influences of the world to slither into the gift God had graced me for the Kingdom. Nothing about the manuscript glorified His name or advanced His word.
I had chosen provocative over provision. The kind of sustainable provision for which this dying world groans.
I immediately rewrote the manuscript from page one, threading a Biblical message of hope and redemption, the sweet taste of grace which drips from His Holy Word. Sure, life happens in my work. My characters are hot messes, I assure you, sinners from page one. Yet the saving power of Jesus Christ introduces each to a life unimagined before His presence.
The fun read is watching them resist Him…and ultimately surrender.
Like me.
People build careers over helping others achieve a purpose in life. I think the concept is simple. Use whatever you have to glorify His name. Whether that’s a stay-at-home mom, a high-powered attorney, a novelist, or a garbage collector, find a way to spread the Kingdom.
That, my loves, is something to which you can affix your name with pride.
"Justice for All is like a John Grisham novel slathered with a Southern woman's warmth, a dot of humor, and a side of romance." - Amazon Review

You can purchase Justice for All here!

Christy will be giving away one copy of her short story, Cracked Door, to a commenter today! If you wish to be entered into the draw, please leave your email address in the comments. The winner will be announced in the Weekend Edition!

Christy Kyser Truitt is an award-winning writer in the United States, settled in a particularly hot pocket of the world – Alabama. She lives in Auburn with her husband and three children and works full-time as a mortgage lender. Christy has also been a feature writer and copy editor for East Alabama Living magazine for 10 years. Her first book, Where the River Bends, won an award while her second novel, Justice for All, was released to five-star reviews in the fall of 2013.Christy’s newest novel, The First Drop of Rain, will be released fall 2014. Her Facebook Blog, The Write Purpose, is seen by more than 10,000 a week in nine different countries.
To learn more about Christy and how the hot claws of a Southern summer affect her brain with humor and self-effectuation, visit, or sign up for her weekly newsletter.


Heather Day Gilbert said...

Great post! I think it's especially easy for authors trying to fit in what's "marketable" to write something that might not be what God wants them to write just to get in the door. Sometimes the easiest road is not the right one to go down. There have been times when I've been tempted to compromise my vision of what I'm supposed to be writing, but I know I can just never, as you say, "put my name on that!" Thanks for sharing.

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

Oh my, this was such a great post! Thank you for sharing!!

I loved this...."Whether that’s a stay-at-home mom, a high-powered attorney, a novelist, or a garbage collector, find a way to spread the Kingdom." God's Kingdom will get spread throughout the world, and I so want to be a part of that matter what I do.

Glynis said...

What a seemingly simple question: "Are you proud to put your name on this?" It should be true for the way we parent, the way we witness, the way we live as well as our calling as writers. Thank you for some great things to think about as I go out into the world today.

Rachel Alison said...

Awesome post! :-) My e-mail is

Christy Truitt said...

Thank you all for the lovely comments and taking the time to leave them. Compromise is a short-term win with long-standing consequences. We are all warriors in the day to day and as Glynis reminded us, this simple question has broad application. Thank you all again!

Christy Truitt said...

Thank you all for the lovely comments and taking the time to leave them. Compromise is a short-term win with long-standing consequences. We are all warriors in the day to day and as Glynis reminded us, this simple question has broad application. Thank you all again!

Julia M. Reffner said...

Wow, I love that question, "are you proud to put your name on this?" What a seemingly simple question that revolutionizes our writing from so many perspectives. Thank you!

Christy Truitt said...

Thank you, Julia!

Jeanne Takenaka said...

Wow, what a great post! I love the question your husband asked you. What a way to slice through the facades we sometimes build up. You have a good man. :)

I'm going to remember that question. And remember that God provides all I need. When I write in a way that brings Him glory, He honors that.

Thanks for sharing this, Christy!

Ashley Clark said...

Christy, thanks for being here today! Great post! It's so easy to forget WHY we are writing in the first place, and get so distracted by sales or numbers that we forgo the heart of our ministry.

Christy Truitt said...

Jeanne - the hubs can be a sweetheart, but rather brutal with his honesty. LOL!

Ashley - it was my pleasure. Yes, oftentimes I find myself at the mercy of the "like" number on Facebook, remembering if the one person He intended to see the post actually saw it, then my job is complete.

Susan Anne Mason said...

Hi Christy,

I can relate! I started off writing secular romances, but just couldn't seem to write the required 'physical' scenes. So when I started reading Christian romance, I had the aha moment. This is what I wanted to write!

Thanks for sharing your story and congrats on the book!


Karen @ a house full of sunshine said...

I'm so thrilled to have Christy with us at the Alley today! Christy is one of my dearest writing friends, and as you guys can already see, she is one of the coolest girls you will ever meet, with a fun sense of humour and a heart for God. Love you Christy, and just loved your honesty in this post - it really spoke to me. You have a gift for cutting to the heart of an issue in a way we can all relate to.

You all need to read Christy's writing - she is amazing!! Also, if you haven't "liked" her page on Facebook, head right over and do so! She always has something challenging and inspiring to say, and she is touching a chord with a lot of people. You don't want to miss out! :)