Deep breath...
Just breathe...
We dread it. We fear it. We can see it looming on the distant horizon. We blink. It is still there. We turn around and run.... and find it was behind us all along, just waiting to sneak up on us and POUNCE!
Writer's block is a very real, very tangible fear in writers. Ideas are stymied, words won't flow and our characters are off in Never, Never Land completely ignoring our pleas to, please, please, please don't leave us!
Hitting the Writer's Block Wall is my first installment in a month long series entitled: Myth Busters and there is a reason I am calling writer's block a myth.
Top 5 Avoiding Writer's Block Tips
1: Know your characters and where you want to take your story
2: No matter what, keep writing! Never stop no matter how much you want to
3: When you feel it coming on, pick up a book on writing and read
4: Keep your favorite novel handy and continue to feed the ideas growing in your mind
5: Pray for words, pray for determination
Knowing your story and the reason behind why you are writing it will go a long way in avoiding writer's block. I will admit I was worried I was going to hit that wall when I was writing my last story. But I knew where I wanted to go. I knew my characters and the arc they needed to travel to get to the end result. And in knowing that, I also knew what they needed to go through. Many things changed along the way, but I always had an end result in mind. When writing, continue to think about your end and the best way to get there while completely thrilling your reader. Start each day with an idea of where you want to take your story and expand upon it as you write. That is the sure fire way to make sure you never hit the writer's block wall.
Never. Stop. Writing. Let me say that again. Never. Stop. Writing.
3 and 4 pretty much go hand in hand, but each one feeds a different need in your brain. The workbook continues to push your creativity level and the novel reminds you why you are writing, because you love to create and love to read. Much of writer's block comes from burnt out brains, so don't let your mind become fatigued, instead give it new fodder to consume by reading a page or two in your current novel and a paragraph or more in your current reference book. Take a few breaks during your writing, move around, stretch, stop before your brain dies to avoid being overly taxed the next day. This will be a wonderful and huge preventative move against writer's block.
Number 5 is really the most important one of all and don't think I don't believe so when I made it last. Prayer for each writing day will take your writing a huge step forward. Pray for inspiration and the words that God wants you to write that day. And dive into your writing believing that it is possible to write a book and believing that God will give you all the inspiration you need.
So, your turn. Have you had writer's block? Fear it? Conquered it? Do tell.
I love practical posts with lots of takeaway value--and this is one, Casey. Thanks!
One of the ways I get through writer's block is by brainstorming my way through it with my critique partners. Their ideas are often the catalyst to jumpstart my creativity again.
Great post, Casey. I've suffered from writer's block before, so I def appreciate the practical advice.
Beth, critique partners are great! I have heard Susan May Warren refer to doing that with her partner Rachel Hauck. But since I don't have any at the moment, I had to come up with some suggestions that would work for those that don't have that help. :) Glad you liked the post!
Ralene, writer's block can be conquered. It is just a matter of wanting to conquer it and taking the steps to avoid it at the very start. I am glad the post was useful. Happy writing! :)
Thanks Casey, Sometimes we just need someone to tell us to buck up..move CAN do this. You're our cheerleader :)
*grin*, Thanks Mary, you are mine. In a BIG way. :)
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