Krista and I have finaled in the Touched By Love Contest!!!!
Oh yes! And we are floating high in the sky. I might be floating a tad bit higher than Krista, but that is only because she is with child...water weight, ya know. ;) (I only tease people I really, really love!)
All the finalist were notified by email on Sunday. By Sunday night, we had received our scoresheets and comments. And I am happy to say that both Krista and I got scores that made us smile. Now we start with a clean slate and five published authors will judge the finalists.
The hard part about this is going to be the wait. The results will be announced at the RWA Conference in Florida sometime in July. That's like two whole months! Oh Lord, keep me busy so that I forget about it! Oh wait, I didn't really mean that during my summer off from work! What was I thinking?

One of the most exciting things about the whole thing has been finaling with a friend. There is something about Krista sharing it with me that makes my heart smile. Of course, all the wonderful, encouraging words from fellow writers has been amazing! What a great support network! Thank you so much for slipping on your dancing shoes and cutting a rug with us!
So you writers out there, have you entered contests? Have you finaled? Won? How did you feel? How did you handle the wait? Inquiring minds want to know...
Did I miss anything, Krista?
Time for a party! Congrads Krista and Sherrinda. I'm so proud of you. The Writer's Alley is on it's way.
God Bless you.
WOOHOO! LOVE party's.
You are so right, Sherrinda! Sharing it with a friend is so much better!
Yes, I've edited this manuscript, but I'm praying and thinking over my ending. I love how it ends, but I think the climax needs a wee bit more building up to it, I kinda jumped to it faster than I should have, which means I need to rewrite or at least rework the last quarter of it. Actually, I'm kinda excited about it. The book I'm working on, I'm at a bit of a lull and need to do some serious thinking about whether to keep going or shelve it and start something different. So this editing project will give me time to do so!
Okay, sorry, that was long. I'm in a pensive mood this morning, ha!
I AM so excited to have finaled... still curious about who all finaled with us since they haven't announced the finalists, and still curious about my dad-gum Genesis scores! ARGH! Yes, I need to learn patience.
But for now... I say we have some yummy chocolate covered, custard donuts... my FAVORITE! at this party this a.m. What say you?
Oh yeah,
Still smiling for you guys!! Woohoooo
And grabbing a donut as I head to the morning meeting.
Go ladies! Go! didn't even COMMENT on the floating experience!!! PLEEAASE tell me you laughed and didn't cry! Pretty please????? (I didn't factor in the pregnancy hormones causing the tear ducts to spew!)
I think I want creme filled donuts, with a side of gummy bears. Then maybe a peanut butter cup sundae. Maybe this should wait until AFTER lunch...sigh. Me and my sweet tooth.
At least we can commiserate on waiting together!!!
LOL! Sorry, i was typing that in a hurry bfeore work...
creme filled, ack! Give me custard ANY day.
No, I did laugh at the floating experience... believe me, if I get an inch off the ground these days, I'd be doing good! HA!!!
I AM SO PROUD OF YOU LADIES!!!! When I saw that email you would have thought I had won. And I can't wait to see what the rest of the months hold. :)
I am TERRIBLE at waiting, but this year, I am content to never see those Genesis scores. Not in the middle of writing my second novel. So waiting there I am good. I just try not to think about it. I know that sounds like I am burying my head in the sand, but when I don't focus on what is coming around the corner, it tends to come faster and with less worry. Oh and you already know this, but a lot of prayer to let it slide to the wayside. "no man adds a single hour to his life by worrying" (the Casey paraphrase.:)
OK, got party hats, streamers and balloons?? I brought plenty!
I'm tooting the noise makers and dancin' with you!
I've entered two contests, felt anxious for two weeks, managed to distract my self for a few months then the week before the announcement fell back into the anxious mode.
Since I didn't win those, the best way I can understand your feelings is to remember the moment I received a letter from a publisher accepting my first article for publication. The publisher took the time to write a page of compliments. I was absolutely elated!
While my experience was quite small compared to yours--I'm just as elated for you :)
Congratulations again, Sherrinda and Krista!!! I'm sooo happy for you. When I heard the news, I got tears in my eyes--tears of pure joy! You have worked hard, and I'm delighted to see your efforts recognized.
I look forward to RWA Nationals where I will attend the Faith, Hope and Love meeting on Wednesday, July 28th. Sometime between 2-5 pm Eastern time, I'll cheer my lungs out when the TBL finalists' names are read and I hear YOURS. And brace yourselves for hugs, because I've got some with your names on them.
I've sent in many contest entries since I began writing four and a half years ago. Waiting for finalist notifications and placement announcements can be tough. What worked for me was to keep busy. I poured my energy into the next project and that kept me from going stir crazy.
Congrats to both of you! :)
You are SUCH an encourager!!
Congrats again, girls!!
Thanks Casey! You are always ready to cheer!
And Mary! What a wonderful experience! An offer plus a page of compliments! I can't imagine!! I don't think that is small AT ALL! That is HUGE!
Keli, you are going to RWA Conference? I wish I could go and hug you IN PERSON! I can't imagine how exciting it will be!!!
I'm getting into editing, so I am hoping that keeps me busy, busy, busy! lol :)
Karen, thank you so much for stopping by and cheering us on!
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