Thursday, November 17, 2016

Six Gorgeous Writing Soundtracks to Power You Through #NaNoWriMo

Because I am a total and complete nerd, the neurobiological connection between music and writing is a subject that fascinates me. (Most random lede award.)

According to a completely unscientific poll of writers, some can't work with music at all, others have to have it, and of those who write with music, there's a further dichotomy: Team Instrumental vs. Team Lyrics. 

If you (like me) find creative inspiration in good instrumental background music, here are some playlists to help us power through like the writing machines that we are, whether we're in the thick of NaNoWriMo, wrapping up a deadline (hold me), or just getting our daily wordcount.

All the beautiful instruments for your writing enjoyment:

For those upbeat, romantic scenes:

If calm and atmospheric is your writing vibe:

Instrumental versions of worship favs:

A mellow and beautiful guitar soundtrack:

Recommended accompaniment for sci-fi/fantasy writers:

Movie score magic:

A bonus acoustic coffee shop mix (not instrumental):

Do you write with sound or silence? Lyrics or no lyrics? What are you working on this week?


Laurie Tomlinson is an award-winning contemporary romance author and cheerleader for creatives. She believes that God's love is unfailing, anything can be accomplished with a good to-do list, and that life should be celebrated with cupcakes and extra sprinkles. 

Previously a full-time book publicist, Laurie now serves as a virtual assistant and runs a freelance editing and PR consulting business called 1624 Communications

She lives with her husband and two small children in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where they are eagerly awaiting the release of her debut contemporary romance novel in May 2017 from Harlequin Heartwarming.

You can connect with Laurie on her website, Facebook page, and Twitter


Mary Vee Storyteller said...

Great idea, Laurie. The funny thing is I had just gone to my holiday music station, turned on the music for my writing hour before stopping by the Alley. Wowsers!
I can write without music...but I am no where near as productive. Gotta set the mood.
Thanks for the added music ideas.

Jessica R. Patch said...

Love these! I write to sound. I edit to silence. :)

Laurie Tomlinson said...

Mary and Jessica - I am convinced there is something about music that helps that brain-keyboard connection flow! If I were a scientist or researcher, I would know!

Krista Phillips said...

It depends on the day. But most times I like to either be at Starbucks with white noise from people OR at home with Pandora playing on a praise and worship station.

Laurie Tomlinson said...

@Krista Phillips - I like the music they play at coffee shops but usually put on headphones because there are college kids around with drama and intriguing study topics that make me too curious :) I love listening to worship music while I edit!