'Twas the day before Christmas, and all through the blog.
A few writers were stirring their frothy eggnog.
The stockings were hung, by the booklinks with care,
In hope that readers on Facebook would soon share.
The alleycats were nestled all snug in their homes,
while visions of contracts and booksales made their mouths foam.
And Pepper in her jetpack, and I finally finished baking
Had just settled down to check Amazon rankings.
When out on the Internet, there arose such a clatter,
We sprang to our website to see what was the matter.
Away to the alley I flew like a flash
Tore up Google and ignored all the cache.
The glow of the brightness of the newly opened Window,
Gave the image of hacking on the screen below,
When what to my weary eyes should appear,
But a picture of a sleigh with a handful of reindeer.
With a cartoon driver in jpg not very lively or quick,
I knew in that moment, we'd been hacked by St. Nick.
More rapid than alleycat laughter, my courser did fly,
I emailed and texted my alleycats to come nye.
Now Mary! Now Julia! Now Cara and Amy!
Hurry Karen, Pepper, Ashley, Laurie, Angie, and Casey!
To the net on your computer! To the front page of the Alley!
It's time for us to rally!
(this was getting long -- and my brain hurts from rhyming -- so I'm skipping to the end!)
Santa typed not a word, but went straight to his work.
And filled all the virtual stockings, then uploaded eggnog with a jerk.
Laying his finger aside of his mouse,
And giving a nod, he clicked the X from his house.
I sprang back to bed and let out a whistle,
and was glad our blog didn't get hit by a mistle...
but before I clicked out, us Alleycats said with a grin,
"Merry Christmas to all, and to ALL a goodnight!"
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
(the above is why I will stick to fiction and leave poetry to the professionals!!!)
- Krista and the Alleycats
Very clever, Krista! I hope you all have a wonderful CHRISTmas!!