Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What I'm Thankful For {Laurie Edition}

Tonight I was thinking about how thankful 
I am that my shopping cart looks like this. 

One Cubby Bear who joined our wild adventure in March
+ his wild-hair-don't-care sweetheart sister.

As a result, much of my writing year was spent on the proverbial sidelines, wordcount scarce due to increasing workload and stolen bits of sleep. 

But I'm thankful that didn't mean I was missing out. 

I had the chance to celebrate with a community of friends who have gotten big news this year. Writing sisters signing contracts with publishing houses and agents and launching stellar books into the world. Word-Warriors battling through hard life things to write The End. My very first writing partner moving to LA and getting her hands dirty to make her dreams come true in the film industry. 

People have taught me that grit and determination are the stuff of true fairy tales. 

I could write an entire post about what I learned and experienced as a cheerleader. Even though these victories had little to do with me -- if anything at all -- for some reason, they felt like my own. And to have a writing community that lends itself to this kind of thing, I am spectacularly thankful.


Laurie Tomlinson is a wife and mom from Tulsa, Oklahoma, who is passionate about intentional living, all things color-coded, and stories of grace in the beautiful mess. Previously a full-time book publicist, she owns a freelance copywriting, editing, and PR consulting business called 1624 Communications

She's a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, a two-time Genesis Award winner, and the runner-up in the 2015 Lone Star Contest's Inspirational category. 
Her work is represented by Rachel Kent of Books & Such Literary.

You can connect with Laurie here:
Twitter - @LaurieTomlinson


Anonymous said...

Love this, Laurie--and can I echo your sentiments?? :)

Jeanne Takenaka said...

Hip-hip-hooray for the cheerleaders in our lives! I've lived a lot of that role too, Laurie. I love that there will also be people to cheer us on when we make steps forward on this journey. You are doing the most important thing in your life by being a mama to your two precious ones. Thanks for sharing your perspective, and for being such an amazing encourager!

Laurie Tomlinson said...

@Meghan - You bet! Our time is coming!

@Jeanne - Thank you, sweet friend!

Amy Leigh Simpson said...

Love this!