Monday, August 11, 2014

The Importance of A Writing Confidant

Sometimes, we can't see past our failures, but those who've been walking alongside us during this journey witness something so much brighter. And sometimes, we need to open our hearts and receive a perspective adjustment by those who love us. 

 Here is my most recent correspondence with a very dear writing-journey companion: 


 Dear Crit Partner aka Sister aka Bestie aka Trusted Friend... 

 I am so bummed out. I got honorable mention in that contest. Basically, I hardly placed at all. Why do I put so much hope in these writing endeavors? And on top of that my book's not even finished! Maybe I shouldn't even go to ACFW this year. :( 

 Bummed Out, 



Dear Writer, 

 I feel like you are looking for validation in the wrong places. I know it's so stinkin' discouraging when you think you're getting good news and then it doesn't turn out... Believe me! And that's totally understandable. BUT, you can't let that overshadow everything else or affect your big picture perspective. 
 You've got to fight back. 
 Your stories and your heart are worth fighting back for! Don't let yourself believe it's okay to adopt a victim mentality, because it will only send you in a downward spiral. You've been so excited about this book and this story!! Hold on to that! 

 Some of these things are attacks by the enemy. But some of them are attacks you are making against yourself! Don't let yourself believe for a second God is not moving through your writing, your writing community, and your life. 

If someone else said these kinds of questions about your writing, I would be like, "Shut up! This writer and her writing are amazing!" So since YOU are the one saying it about your own writing, I'm still going to stand up for you ;) 

 Your Crit Partner (aka wisdom-speaker)


Do you have a truth-speaker in your life? Do you have someone who knows you and your writing and believes in it (and you) no matter what?

Angie Dicken first began writing fiction as a creative outlet during the monotonous, mothering days of diapers and temper tantrums. She is passionate to impress God's love on women regardless of their background or belief. This desire serves as a catalyst for Angie's fiction, which weaves salvation and grace themes across historical cultures and social boundaries. Angie is an ACFW member, One Sheet designer, and is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency. Check out her personal blog here:


Karen @ a house full of sunshine said...

Your truth-speaker is awesome. :) And so are you!! Love those wonderfully encouraging words!

Someone who believes in my writing no matter what? Well, I guess my Mum, but she also thought my preschool paintings were amazing. LOL. ;) Really though, if I look back objectively, I have been blessed by encouragement from some pretty wonderful friends and crit partners over the years. Which I think says more about them and their kind hearts than anything else! But it has sure kept me going through some pretty low places.

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

Oh wow...that is so awesome. I am so glad that you have someone like that in your life. I don't know that I have someone like that. My husband at times, but not a woman-friend. I think being a minister's wife hinders that kind of relationship. I guess I am supposed to be the "truth-sayer" in the relationship. Maybe someday God will bless me with such a person.

Ashley Clark said...

I am so glad you are feeling encouraged and fighting that discouragement!

Karen and Sherrinda, I believe in both of your writing no matter what, so you've got to count me! ;)

H. R. Sinclair said...

Yes, and she just came through when I got a bad bit of writing news too. They can make all the difference and help to put things back in perspective.

Pepper said...

Beautiful post, Ang - and so encouraging!
It's a great reminder of how GOD sees us even when we are looking in a distorted mirror of ourselves.
He's created us for a beautiful purpose and calls us his BEAUTIFUL BRIDE - set apart for a specific purpose of glorifying him! And that's exactly what YOU DO! WE DO!
In our successes - Yes, but sometimes we glorify him all the more in the way we handle our failures!
Praise God for his strength, his love, and the way he gives us fantastic friends, sistahs, and crit partners who speak to our hearts.
Love you!

Laurie Tomlinson said...

Yes! Amen to this post! Love my truth speakers and have needed them a lot lately!

Angie Dicken said...

Thanks my dear Alleycats!! I think I am super blessed to have someone dear crit partner in my life!!

Southpaw---So glad you have someone in your life like this too! Stay strong and keep writing!!