Well, apart from writing a great story, of course.
It's like when you are buying a house. CURB appeal is SO important. While it may not be the reason a buyer purchases the home, it's responsible for getting them in the door.
The same with a book.
When you're browsing, the first thing you'll notice is a cover.
Is it ugly as sin? Does it look like someone did it who took one class in graphic design 30 years ago? Are there ten fonts, miss-matching colors, unpleasing graphics? Or is it just plain boring?
Most people's eyes will march on, although maybe get a second glance if it is THAT bad. Most of us don't want our cover to be noticed for its awfulness :-)
Is the cover appealing? Does it catch your eye and make you think, "Oh! I wonder what that's about!" Does it fit your favorite genre and just capture your fancy?
Then you might snag it up, turn it over, and scan the back cover. Maybe even read the first page or chapter, or look at reviews.
While any of those other things might cause you to put it back, getting that reader to pick up (or click on) your book in the first place is super important!
If you plan to Indie-publish... this is SUPER important for you to think about now, at least to gather thoughts on what kind of covers would appeal to your audience.
If you plan only to traditional publish, it still isn't a bad idea. Publishers do ask for input and thoughts (not always...) but to have a ready (and educated) answer will give you a chance to sound informed and a better shot at being a ready voice in the process.
Now, I don't claim to be an expert on how to make a great book cover.
But when I was going through the process with my newest novella I'm putting out myself, one of the things I did was browse covers to see what my personal likes and dislikes were. I then sent my cover designer a handful of covers I thought were GREAT, and a handful of "you-better-not-design-me-something-like-this" covers.
Since it'd be horribly mean to point out the latter (and we are all about encouragement here on the alley) I thought I'd share some of the covers I found that were GREAT... and why I thought they were great.
Keep in mind: I stayed within my genre. Comparing a sci-fi cover to a rom-com is just silly, because they are going to be so different in feel.
And these are only a few that I sent him, because... I found a lot!!!
Keep in mind also: The idea of researching covers isn't to copy someone else's idea. That'd would be super bad. Instead, it's to get an idea of concepts. Do you like covers with faces, or not-so-much? How did they use color to enhance? What kind of fonts appeal to your eye verses distract? That kind of stuff...
And without further adu... here are some of my favs!
Oh I LOVE all of Becky's covers! I love the smile and the "realness" of this, and it's just plain fun.
I couldn't help it ... I was only going to do one per author, but the girl has PINK SHOES you guys!!!! I think I would have bought this book just for that reason only, but I already knew I was a Becky Wade fan by then....
I like this a.) because any cover with a wedding dress intrigues me and b.) she looks like she's running, and it makes me want to figure out why she's running and c.) the wedding ring hanging off the you was pretty cool!
I've noticed that having text over a picture like this, without a little box, is difficult to do (and still make it look good). Bot I LOVED that they were able to do that here, and I LOVE the feeling of fall... and the characters just make me want to find out their story! And I LOVE the colors of this!!!!
Um... yes, this was awesome. We've got a kiss, a fancy dress that I love, and some of my favorite flowers, AND it is pink. Even if I didn't know Janice was an amazing author, I'd pick this up just to see what it was about!
And last but not least.... after perusing the cover choices that I liked, my cousin and I finished designing MY first indi-pubished novel, and this is what we came up with.
Given the covers I liked most, I knew I wanted to have PEOPLE on my cover, and preferably faces. I know not all authors/readers like it, but a lot do. My original idea was to show the "sides" of their faces as a nod toward the title.
I perused stock photo sites like mad. SHE was super easy to fine. Oh my goodness, is she not gorgeous?!? her pink lips and pink tank-top sealed the deal as to what color font I'd be using, and since I'm a fan of pink, it worked!
My hero? Eh, not so much. Cameron is a red-headed tall guy, a little on the lean side, who is very handsome. Can I tell you how HARD it is to find handsome redheaded stock male photos (that don't cost like $1,000....)? But when I ran across this brown-headed guy who had that amazing look in his eye as he checks her out... which is TOTALLY Cameron, I sent it to my cousin and he said he could make his hair red. I'll be honest, it's not exactly how I pictured him, but it's close.
I do like having my name in all-caps print... it was that way on my first novel and I wanted to continue with that look, with my name at the bottom. My cousin came up with the fun way to display the title of the name, and yeah, I'm pleased. I was a LITTLE nervous about the white background... but I'm a fan of simple covers and I thought a background would be distracting.
That might be more than you wanted to know about my crazy thought process....
But now it's YOUR turn!!
What covers in your genre have you seen lately that you love? What kind of covers appeal to you?
Krista is a follower of Jesus, a wife, a mother, and author of Sandwich, With a Side of Romance
. She blogs about finding JOY in the journey of LIFE at She is represented by Sarah Freese of Wordserve Literary.
Krista is a follower of Jesus, a wife, a mother, and author of Sandwich, With a Side of Romance
YOUR book cover appeals to me. :) For real! Love it!! SO cool to find out a bit more about your thought processes in this!
Hi, Krista:
Thanks for the shout out for Wish You Were Here! There's quite a story to the book cover and I have all the stages framed in my office.
But that wedding ring dangling off the title? That was there from the very beginning and I loved it! It was as if Allison tossed it up in there air in a "Will she or won't she" kind of way. And yes, I loved the movement of the cover too.
Another thing I've loved is that my publishers have kept the feel of my covers throughout the rest of my novels.
And I love how your hero is checking out your heroine -- and she seems oblivious to it!
Love your cover, Krista! It's adorable. Can't wait to read the story inside.
And thanks for including Here to Stay. I have to admit, I'm mighty partial to that cover. I literally squealed when I saw it. Like SQUEALED. :)
Karen, you're so sweet, thank you!! I totally went into the process a wee bit scared, but it turned out better than I could have hoped!!
Beth, oh I'd love to see those progressions someday!!! And yes, the ring is AMAZING!!!
My heroine really is doing some subtexting in her head... she's smiling while thinking, "If that guy doesn't stop staring at me I'm going to punch that smirk right off of his face!!!" But on I, the author, know that at this point, lol!
Melissa, I squealed when I saw your cover too! It was seriously AWESOME!!! Those colors were just so right on and it just made me want to grab a blanket, snuggle up in front of a fire, and read away on a cool fall night!
I think you and your cousin did a terrific job on your cover. Well done!
I'm glad to hear that you used a few of my covers as inspiration. I've always sent the graphic design team at Bethany House "I adore these covers because" and "this cover probably isn't right for me because" emails regarding each novel. It's valuable to find cover inspiration!
I think the covers you mentioned are all wonderful. Janie Thompson's cover would motivate me to pick up the book for certain! Which covers have I seen lately that I love? Victoria Bylin's contemporary romance covers are soooo good, Imo. The one for her next novel is amazing:
Oh, that is a great cover, Becky!!!
I'm usually pretty up on my fellow contemp romance authors, but I hadn't heard of Victoria before! I really like the cover to Until I Found You
What a lovely cover!! Definitely a great one for me! And I love that you liked a lot of the covers I like :)
Tell the World
Krista, I LOVE how your cover turned out!!! :)
Funto, Thank you!!!!
Ashley, thank you too!!!!
Krista, your cover turned out amazing! So eye catching!!! I'm also a big fan of Becky's covers. :)
Covers are definitely important! I pick up new books at the library or click on them online in large part because of cover. Though title helps, too. I love historical fiction, so people in period dress on a cover always intrigue me. Siri Mitchell has some gorgeous covers, including She Walks in Beauty, which is fantastic inside, as well:
And I love the colors on Karen Kingsbury's covers; her section at the library always catches my eye. For example, One Tuesday Morning -
And the covers for her Above the Line series are beautifully coordinated.
GREAT choices, Krista!!! What a wonderful day! I LOVE book covers - it's like looking at the desserts through the glass at a wonderful restaurant.
And the covers you picked to display were fantastic! So fun! I smile every time I see Becky Wade's book Meant to Be Mine because I automatically think of Becky Wade and Katie Ganshert hugging their hubby's in the exact pose. SO SWEET.
You made a GREAT choice on your cover, Krista!
Melissa's cover for her new novel is definitely squeal-worthy. It definitely makes me want to pick up the book and read it
LOL, Pepper, I LOVE Katie and Becky's cover reenactments!!!!
Rachelle, oh my goodness, historical romance has some jaw-dropping covers!!! I was almost glad I don't write it, as I had NO clue how I would pick with all the amazing covers out there!!!!
*laughs* Right? Still, I think it could be a great deal of fun!
I love your new cover, Krista! If I saw that cover on the virtual bookshelf, I'd buy it just for the pretty factor!
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