Tuesday, May 13, 2014

How Fast Should My Blog Grow with Edie Melson

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I’m always amazed at the unrealistic expectations many bloggers have. So today I’d like to give you some insight into what reasonable blog growth looks like.

I do want to preface this with a disclaimer. There are lots of exceptions to how fast a blog can grow. All I’m giving you is reasonable expectations for blog growth. We can all find examples of blogs that have grown incredibly fast, but we should never judge the growth of our own blogs by the exceptions.

That said, I do believe there are reasonable expectations. That growth is predicated on certain variables:

·         The predictability of blog posts—A blog that's posted regularly will grow much faster than one that is posted sporadically.
·         The frequency of blog posts—A blog with fresh content on a daily basis will usually grow faster than one that only offers new content once a week.
·         The consistent use of social media—If you regularly Tweet and post on Facebook abut your blog more people will hear about it.
·         The interaction with your audience—It's critical to answer comments and take time to comment on the blogs of your readers.
·         I’m a huge fan of growing your blog organically, through relationships and targeted social media. Frequently this will cause your blog to grow slower during the first year or so, but this will give you a solid base of readers and tend to speed growth in the following years.

Stage One
In this day and time, networking can usually jump start a blog with 20 – 40 followers at the startup. These followers are your first foundation, but not all of them will be part of your permanent foundation. These are friends and associates who want to help a fellow entrepreneur get started. They’re a great help because they’ll spread the word to their friends and associates who will comprise your foundation.

This means your first six months to a year will see little forward momentum. You’ll gain new followers, and loose some of the original ones. It will feel almost like two steps forward and three steps back. But this is a critical time because you’re cementing the core of your audience. I think of this as gathering the snow and solidifying it into a snowball.

During this time, many bloggers get discouraged from the slow growth because they don’t understand what’s happening. When I talk with someone in the first year of their blog, I try to give them insight into this process so they can watch for it and rejoice as it happens.

Stage Two
After stage one comes  six to nine months of small but consistent growth. Your blog has  enough history at this point to have a proven track record of consistent, valuable posts. This makes your core group more willing to share your site with others. 

During this stage is a good time to search out valuable guest posts. Find people you respect and invite them to write a post or ask permission to repost one of their old posts. This stage is like beginning to roll your snowball through the snow, gathering a more solid ball that will hold together when you roll it down the hill.

Stage Three
This is when your blog really starts to take off. Your blog’s audience begins to grow a lot faster and you’ll begin to spend less tie promoting yourself on social media because other’s will be doing it for you. They’ll be talking about your blog because it’s valuable to their followers and friends, not just because they like you personally.

Now the fun is beginning, you’ll find yourself asked to guest post on other blogs, and you’ll be asked permission to repost your older blog posts. I think of this stage as when you push your snowball off the top of the hill and it begins to gain momentum on it’s own. 

Interim Stage
During this downhill stage you’ll still hit road blocks and times when you have to give your snowball a push. The key is to stay flexible, continue to listen to your audience and don’t let up on the interactions.

As I said at the beginning, this is an organic process and these stages are just loose guidelines of how the growth of a normal blog should be measured. If you’re neglecting one or more of the following things in your blog plan, your blog will probably see slower growth.

·         A regular posting schedule, with a minimum of one post per week.
·         The consistent use of Social Media, especially Facebook and Twitter.
·         Constant interaction between you and your audience by answering comments and visiting their blogs and living comments.

Now I have a couple of questions for you.
Have you seen this kind of growth in your own site?
Where are you in the blogging process, Stage One, Two or Three?
Edie Melson is the author of four books, with two more due out January 2014. Her popular blog, The Write Conversation, reaches thousands of writers each month, and she’s the co-director of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian WritersConference. Her bestselling ebook on social media has just been updated and re-released as Connections:Social Media & Networking Techniques for Writers. She’s the Social Media Mentor at My Book Therapyand the social media director for Southern Writers Magazine. She’s also the Senior Editor at NovelRocket. You can connect with Edie through Twitter andFacebook.


Jeanne Takenaka said...

Great post, Edie! I think I'm in stage 2. I only have time to blog once a week, so the growth is slow, but I am gaining more followers. I'm still trying to figure out if there is a secret to getting more people to comment. Does this just take time too?

Thanks for sharing your wisdom!

Edie Melson said...

Jeanne, I think you're right about what stage you're in. And yes, getting people trained to comment does take time. But there are also some things you can do to encourage comments. That's the topic of my social media post on MyBookTherapy today. Blessings, E

Jeanne Takenaka said...

Heading over there now to read! :)

Mary Vee Storyteller said...

I think I am in stage three. My guests are sending readers to my site which has helped me met new people. The numbers for email posts are growing more that the follower numbers. According to what you've said in other posts, that is a good thing, right?

Thanks, Edie.

~sharyn said...

My blog is definitely still in stage one. We started it in January - I now co-author it with two other writers - and have 59 followers.

Since I write every Friday, that's when I post the link to the blog on Facebook. And we usually see the number of views jump on that day. We are definitely working at staying consistent and our different voices offer readers a nice variety. Hopefully, that will help us continue to see growth!

Thank you for the information, Edie.