Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Be Inspired To Write

Sometimes we need a little encouragement, especially when we get down on ourselves and wonder why we ever started this writing journey.

When I get discouraged with my writing, I like to search Pinterest for inspirational writing quotes. There are sooo many out there and to have them all compiled in one spot...well, it is just an awesome place to be uplifted. Check it out HERE.

Once in awhile I pull out my Slideshare upload that I made a couple of years ago. It reminds me to let go and just write. Check it out below.

Be Inspired To Write from Sherrinda Ketchersid

What is your "go to" for inspiration to keep on writing?


 This post is brought to you by Sherrinda Ketchersid Sherrinda is a minister's wife and mother to three giant sons and one gorgeous daughter. A born and bred Texan, she writes historical romance filled with fun, faith, and forever love.


Julia M. Reffner said...

Well, I had a cool one last night actually. I started being more consistent about my writing time even though I have had 0 in the way of ideas. So I just write, but last night I was praying and then I fell asleep and I've had this recurring dream and it occurred to me I knew what I was supposed to write about. I've been holding back because this may be a piece very close to my heart and I think I'm a bit fearful about that. But I'm moving ahead.

Jeanne T said...

I want you to know, Sherrinda. I finally, FINALLY joined Pinterest because of you. :)

I actually could use some encouragement in the writing journey, so I'm going to come back and check out your slide share and your Pinterest board later today.

I like your post. :)

Aritha Vermeulen said...

For me: reading and viewing a children's book catalog.

I love your posting. Its creatief!

( eh ...whats the English word for it?).

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

Oh, Julia! God directed you in a dream!!! I love that. Doesn't it feel great to have confirmation...especially when the direction could be a difficult one? Can't wait to hear more about it.

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

LOL, Jeanne, PLEAAASEEE don't blame me for any addictions to Pinterest that may follow!!! I love Pinterest for many reasons and am just now getting to where I can get on and not get stuck for hours. ;)

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

Aritha, I love browsing through a book catalog. The lovely book covers, the intriguing summaries...they are fodder for inspiration indeed!

And yes, I totally understood your word creatief. Our word is similar...creative. :) And thank you!

Joanne Sher said...

LOVE several of those quotes. I love quotes. Have a fave hanging on my wall. Great post, friend!

Mary Vee Storyteller said...

I hadn't found that page on Pinterest before. Thank you so much for showing it to me.
I remember this great slide presentation from before. Loved it then and love it again because I saw it from a new point of view.

Thanks Sherrinda.

Amy Leigh Simpson said...

"Forget all the rules, forget about getting published. Write for your self and celebrate writing." Love it. And a good reminder to pull back when we get to preoccupied about selling. :) Thanks for this, Sher!

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

Joanne, quotes have a way of motivating and inspiring...especially when they are displayed so beautifully. :)

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

Mary, you are sweet. The cool thing about pinterest is that you can search for anything...and I mean anything! For instance, to get that page, I went to the search bar in Pinterest and searched "writing quotes". It brought up different options such as "inspirational writing quotes" and I clicked that. Brilliant, huh? ;)

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

Amy, it's hard to not get preoccupied with selling, isn't it? Of course, you are going to be super duper busy pretty soon and won't even have time to think about selling. ;) Yay for PINK!

Angie Dicken said...

So sorry I am just now leaving a comment. Busy day! I don't "do" pinterest, but I love the way you use it, Sherrinda! I always think of it as a place to get crafting ideas...yes..a very narrow minded view of it! Ha! Thanks for the post!

Angie Dicken said...

Oh, and my go to for inspiration is usually Wikipedia, believe it or not. I just narrow in on a time period I want to write about, and a subject, then look at Wikipedia to find interesting stories within it. Not always, but a few times it has really spurred my stories.

Anonymous said...

That slide show was soooo awesome!!!

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

LOL...Angie, I'm sorry for just now responding! I have had a busy 2 days!! For me, Pinterest has evolved into a place of inspiration. Yes, I still collect craft stuff to do someday, but there is stuff for soooo many areas of my life. I love it. ;)

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

Tina!!! Thank you! I had fun making it.

Unknown said...

I have definitely had plenty of days where I have not had good inspiration to write. It usually happens after I have a day or two where I write a lot or have lots of ideas that are in my head that need to get written out. I think my brain gets a little burnt out and then it is hard to get inspired again. I never thought to use Pinterest as a way to get inspired. I am on Pinterest a lot and I can see how it would be very useful to get inspired. This website (http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Inspired-to-Write) also has a lot of ideas on how to get inspired to write.

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

Haley, I know exactly what you mean! After you had worked so hard and gotten so much of your heart out on paper, the well of inspiration can run dry. I loved the link you shared...it had great ideas! Thanks so much for stopping by!