
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The True Heart of Writing- Christmas Is the Example

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One of the many Christmas movies aired on the Hallmark channel this year told the story of a female marketing agent who had to find the right actor to play the role in a commercial. The vender hadn't been pleased with previous choices offered by other agents, stating the actors lacked heart. He threatened to pull his account.

While doing errands the next day, she met a man who captured her attention. He portrayed a genuine kindness not only in voice and facial expression, but also with a sincere heart--the very ingredient missing from the other candidates. He agreed to do the commercial if and only if he sampled and liked the product. Later, his acting immediately won the favor of the vendor.

Sincerity and truth are paramount to the success of everything we do, including writing. Readers depend on us to write from the heart

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The Bible is the best selling book of all times. God presents information, counsel, stories of actual events, history, prophecy, testimonials, meditations, songs, etc. all  for our benefit. THE REASON WHY IT IS A BEST SELLER is because it is written from God's heart to ours

Throughout the pages, God unfolds the events of His son's birth, a precious gift to all mankind, so compelling that every heart could be touched.

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Take this writer's heart checkup and see how you are doing:

1. Are you exercising your writing skills everyday in some way to prevent gaining flabby ideas?

2. Do you consume healthy, written foods--nourishing craft information--to meet your writing needs?

3. Do you get the proper rest from writing, taking five minute breaks from looking at the screen every hour, refreshing your thoughts to find a better idea? 

4. Do you go outside and breathe life-giving fresh air, cleansing wayward ideas that push you off the intended path of a well-written book?

The greatest talent we possess as writers is a heart for God, ready to be spilled on the written page.

We Alley Cats are here to help you. 
Encourage you. 
Equip you--using what we've already learned and ready to research new information/topics
Pray with you. 
Support you in your journey

May the Lord Bless you and keep you safe
May all your writings reflect His Love to others
May you experience the blessing from His storehouse
And May you have Peace and Joy


Reader,   How has God blessed you this year? 
                Is your writing heart strong?
                What topic would best help you to grow strong?


This blog post is by Mary Vee

Mary has moved to Michigan with her husband, closer to her three college kids. She misses the mountains of Montana, but loves seeing family more often. She writes contemporary and romance Christian fiction and loves to pen missionary and Bible adventure stories on her ministry blog, God Loves Kids.

Visit Mary at her website and her ministry blog to families: God Loves Kids. Or chat on Facebook or Twitter