Our Chocolate Cafe brings sweet treats of information your way. So enter the sweet aroma of story-crafting topped with tasty character tips, editing chunks, and a swirl or two of agent information.
Cool part to the fun? At the end of 3 months, we'll draw the name of a commenter from our Saturday chats to win a Panera gift card!!
Right off the Alley and into our Chocolate Cafe walks the lovely and eloquent, Laura Frantz.
So Laura, here's a fabulous hot chocolate for you along with homemade crème buffs as we chat. If we're talking about all these wonderful characters you write, who is one of your favorites and what makes him/her so memorable to his love interest? (We'll take any pictures you want to share, btw) ;-)

The actor he is modeled after is Tom Mison from FOX’s Sleepy Hollow.
What made Silas memorable to Eden? Silas was the only man who had ever stood up to her father, the irascible, surly, demanding Liege Lee. But what really sealed the romantic deal was his wooing her with scripture in all sorts of places – her loom, her boot, her bucket, etc. She fell fast and hard and forever. THE END.
I would sure love for you to add what made YOU fall in love with him in the post!! Personally I wish Eden had told him there’d be no razor-getting as he was just too handsome with the beard, lol...
Oh man, I just loved Silas too, and the picture is such a magnificent match.
All those little wooings certainly made me fall in love with him too, but especially because he was 'tender'. He saw in her something special.
That's the beautiful part of writing romances. The hero 'sees' something in the heroine (or visa versa) that no one else seems to see - and he/she loves them for it.
Thanks for the visit, Laura.
I'll leave you guys with a quote for today:
The only characters I ever don't like are ones that leave no impression on me. And I don't write characters that leave no impression on me.”
― Lauren DeStefano
― Lauren DeStefano
How are your characters leaving an impression on the reader? On other characters in your story?
Next week on the Alley:
Monday- Pepper talks about writing a Series of Super Heroes, the importance of an all-star cast in developing a series (There just may be some pictures of Avengers...just sayin')
Tuesday - Sherrinda sprinkles her usual wisdom and fun into the post for today.
Wednesday - Mary's doing the math with her post Why Numbers + Words = Publication
Thursday - Krista boldly goes where no AlleyCat has gone before - a chat about the New Adult category, what it is and who's writing it.
Friday - Rachelle Rea guests posts for us today and brings with her a free 50 page critique. Make sure you stop by for your chance to be in the drawing for this great opportunity!
CASEY is the guest with the fabulous ladies of Seekerville on Friday. Stop by and check it out!
JULIA's review about publishing trends for 2013 is up on The Library Journal. There's some great information waiting in this review for you.
Next week on the Alley:
Monday- Pepper talks about writing a Series of Super Heroes, the importance of an all-star cast in developing a series (There just may be some pictures of Avengers...just sayin')
Tuesday - Sherrinda sprinkles her usual wisdom and fun into the post for today.
Wednesday - Mary's doing the math with her post Why Numbers + Words = Publication
Thursday - Krista boldly goes where no AlleyCat has gone before - a chat about the New Adult category, what it is and who's writing it.
Friday - Rachelle Rea guests posts for us today and brings with her a free 50 page critique. Make sure you stop by for your chance to be in the drawing for this great opportunity!
CASEY is the guest with the fabulous ladies of Seekerville on Friday. Stop by and check it out!
JULIA's review about publishing trends for 2013 is up on The Library Journal. There's some great information waiting in this review for you.
Having my cup of Winter Spice coffee while I read. Apple and cinnamon, yum. I'll surely take one of those cream puffs, too.
Oh, Laura, your descriptions always bring me deeply in your world. That's something I want to grow in my own writing, I'm amazed at how you paint your characters and settings.
Fresh cup of Constant Comment tea for me. I'll have a pumpkin scone.
I love the beard, too Laura...BUT this is something about running a hand along his fresh shaven face...so soft. And then the scent of the aftershave.
It's a tough call.
Pleased as punch to have Laura with us today!! What a treat!
*passing around a plate of chocolate truffles*
Mary, you're getting a little spicy! Love it!!!! :-)
Oooh, I must read this book! Silas sounds like my kind of hero. Thanks for sharing, Laura! Great Weekend edition, Pepper.:)
Oh, waking up with you all on a chilly Saturday morning warms me right up! Thanks for your gracious comments. I fell hard when I saw this photo. It's so 18th-centuryish and though the beard is not quite right I do love a man with a beard :) Glad Mary does, too!
As for that story world and setting, Julia, I appreciate that you notice that. Setting has always been huge for me, something like a character all its own. I wish I could bring that depth to other elements of my writing where I fall short. Still working on that! So it's a real encouragement to hear what works for you.
So thankful for this wonderful site and savvy friends like you. Love the idea of a chocolate café. Chocolate anything is right up my alley!!
Thank you and bless you all,
Laura, I need to learn a lot from you. Setting is probably one of my biggest challenges, although I have so much to learn about pretty much everything.
Julia, I just read your LJ piece and it's amazing! I knew you were writing for them but hadn't read your work till now. I learned quite a bit and appreciate the time you took to craft such a comprehensive article.
Laura, we are kindred spirits...setting is one of my favorite things to write! It might have something to do with my degree in Landscape Architecture...but mostly because I love a good sense of place. :)
Ang, You will LOVE this book! I know what you like ;-) Definitely this one! Oh. MY. GOODNESS!!!!!
I agree, Angie! I think you would like Laura's series.
I will certainly enjoy visiting the 'chocolate café.' It was wonderful to have Laura as the hostess.
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
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