On my goodness the books that are being released right now! My TBR stack is tumbling over with new releases by Laura Frantz, Kim Vogel Sawyer, Jordyn Redwood, Dani Pettrey and more! It's a good problem to have. ;-)
What is the one (as if we could pick!) book that you're looking forward to this fall?
Pepper is continuing her series on developing memorable characters focusing on arc. Be sure and start your week "write" with us on
Monday. ;-)
Sherrinda is your hostess!
Wednesday brings none other than the one and only
Deborah Raney. Deb is the author of over twenty novels with plenty of wisdom to share from her years of experience.
Remember laughing your head off with
Krista about writing a world class novel on your phone while standing on your head, chewing gum? It's why she's published after all. ;-) Check out her post on
Gabrielle Meyer will be sharing on the Alley on
Friday. Be sure and stop by for your chance to win MaryLu Tyndall's
The Red Siren.
See you right back here on Monday! :-)
awesome line up... will check back !
Linda Finn
Faithful Acres Books
Sounds like a great week. And GABE is sharing?! Wo--hoo! Looking forward to that day. :)
I've got too many books in my TBR pile to decide which one I want to read most. :) I wanna read 'em all. :)
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