
Saturday, April 6, 2013

What's Up the Street Next Week?

April is here - and Hark! Spring might be on the way too!
But whether the weather stays good, bad, or indifferent, we know there are some great books recently released for our reading pleasure.
Here are a few:

The Dance by Dan Walsh and Gary Smalley

The Guardian by Beverly Lewis

Love at Any Cost by Julie Lessman

One Glorious Ambition by Jane Kirkpatrick

Sinners and the Sea by Rebecca Kanner (FABULOUS Cover, btw)

It Happened at the Fair by Deeanne Gist

Invisible by Ginny Yttrup (who was JUST featured at )

And these titles are only a few! I can't wait to get my hands on Dee's book! I've already finished The Dance and have started Julie Lessman's newest. So many books! So little time!!!

Are there any books you are looking forward to reading this month? Any waiting on your TBR list and screaming for your attention :-)

What's Happening on The Alley this week?

Monday - Pepper gets REAL with a post entitled Hang In There - and other phrases we hate to hear while we're waiting.

Tuesday - Sherrinda brings one of her usual reader friendly posts

Wednesday - Mary's chatting about The Needs of a Successful Writer

Thursday - Krista offers her writing and life insights

Friday - Casey's hosting author Susan Reinhardt and there are whispers about a GIVEAWAY!!!!

Bring your questions and comments!! Stop by and virtually sit a spell.


  1. Wanna read ALL of the above - but likely won't get to it this month ;). Will see though!

    And I will absolutely, positively, DEFINITELY be here Monday - and not just cuz I love Pepper. I need some "real" - especially about waiting (twiddling my thumbs).

    Looks like a great week with some of my favorite Cats :)

  2. Just started Take a Chance on Me by Susan May Warren. Good stuff, as always from Susie.
