Writing is
something that's caught me - and held me fast - my entire life. I remember the
little house where I turned five, in a rickety old Virginia coal-mining town
close to the West Virginia border. Clifton Forge smelled like paper mill,
sickly sweet, and it was there my younger sister was born. I planted my first
geraniums and sang “My Country Tis of Thee” before lunch in my first-grade
classroom. And it was in tiny Clifton Forge that I wrote (scribbled/drew) my
first books, stapling them together in crooked lines.
Ever since those
days writing has been my constant companion. I wrote during summer vacation, on
reams of green-and-white computer paper stapled and then glued together, on the
school bus on wintery Shenandoah Valley days, in high school in between tests.
I loved writing. I still love writing. It is one of the glues that holds all my
memories together, my years, my moments.
And until I sat
in front of an ancient computer screen in our hot apartment in Brasilia,
Brazil, a zillion years later, trying to craft out a story to ease my
homesickness, I didn’t get the “magic wand” that made the light come on in my
head. It was just that: for the first time, I was writing from memories. From
places I missed. From things and places that I loved and longed for, and the
rush of nostalgic emotion they poured out when I tapped them into black-and-white
You see, all my
life I had chosen writing topics that required research – lots and lots of
research. Historical novels from the 1800s. Modern stories about places I’d
never been (like India). Topics requiring weeks of research about adoption law.
While there’s
nothing wrong at all with these topics, I realized, as I sat there with the
brilliant Brazilian sun glimmering on our gray tile floor, that I’d missed the
*life* of my stories. I’d chosen topics that interested and excited me, picked
exotic settings, and crafted narratives that were hard (I thought) to put down.
But I’d missed one important factor: emotion. The stories excited me, but they
didn’t move me—because I didn’t know them.
This whole idea
of “writing what you know” was brought home to me by a novel I had just read—a
novel of dubious quality about a female cake decorator. I had a hard time
working through the clichés and trite plot, and the whole story just felt…
wrong. When I read through the dedication and acknowledgements, there was a
clue: “Thanks to all the people who taught me about cake decorating.”
And… that was
it! I felt like a bright light had just beamed upon the whole thing: the author
wasn’t a cake decorator. She didn’t know anything about cake decorating. She
got people to show her about cake decorating, which she replicated in the
book—but it didn’t evoke any emotion for her or her characters. The text was accurate, but flat. It had no heart.
Right then and
there I got out a sheet of paper and decided to make a list of the things I
knew well, determined to come up with something I could write about from
And I sat there.
And sat there. With a sad little 1) and a blank
What did I know
about? And know about well enough to craft a story and draw on my emotions?
Unfortunately, not much. And when I finished the list, it had simply two items:
1) Japan and 2) rednecks. I kid you not.
While my
exercise was a bit humbling (humiliating?) it did narrow down my search for
topics quite a bit. Could I possibly combine the two and create a story using
my (ahem) vast expertise?
I doodled on the
paper, brainstormed ideas, got a flash of inspiration, took a walk, wrote a
hastily-scrawled outline, and… the
“Southern Fried Sushi” series was born. Shortly after that I sent chapters to a
published friend, and he in turn submitted them to his publisher (Barbour). The
women’s fiction editor contacted me directly, and within a few months she’d
offered me a contract for the series.
Why? Because my
prose was so poetic and polished, or my plot so riveting? Hardly. Actually I
think it’s because you can see my heart in the locations I wrote about—the
memories and the stored up emotion. The longing for places I had once known and
left, and the marks they’d left on my soul.
Please don’t get
me wrong—I’m not saying you can’t ever use research or chose a topic you don’t
know much about. All of those things are fine, if the topics evoke emotion
in you. If that is the case, then you do “know”
them—from a lifetime of study or focused research or some sort of experience.
But they’re not foreign to you; blank; lifeless. They are not simply crafts to
be studied; they are long-lost loves. But to write about topics simply because
they’re interesting or worse, trendy, can leave readers smelling a “rat.” Even
a carefully crafted “rat.”
Pay attention to
the emotion in these paragraphs by John Steinbeck in his wonderful book “Travels
With Charley” as he describes the Dakota Badlands as barren, unworldly,
uninhabitable, and even unfriendly:
“I went into
a state of flight, running to get away from the unearthly landscape. And then
the late afternoon changed everything. As the sun angled, the buttes and
coulees, the cliffs and sculptured hills and ravines lost their burned and
dreadful look and glowed with yellow and rich browns and a hundred variations
of red and silver-gray, all picked out by streaks of coal black. It was so
beautiful that I stopped near a thicket of dwarfed and wind-warped cedars and
junipers, and once stopped I was caught, trapped in color and dazzled by the
clarity of the light… and the night, far from being frightful, was lovely
beyond thought, for the stars were close… And I thought how every safe
generality I gathered in my travels was canceled by another. In the night the
Bad Lands had become the Good Lands. I can’t explain it. That’s how it was.”
I don’t know
about you, but I read that section over and over again, devouring Steinbeck’s
descriptions and words, and the change in his tone. I am not even a Steinbeck
fan, but his description here moved me, made me see, made me thirst to read
again. Why? Because he saw the Badlands first-hand—and he was moved by them.
And thus I am also moved.
Writing from
experience, or love (or even hate, so long as it evokes emotion in you) is the
singlemost thing that, in my opinion, makes a book or a story authentic.
Even if we can’t
identify from our own experiences, we are moved by his (or her) presentation of
the events, and it often strikes us as dearly as if it were our own.
Another example
I love is from a book called “The Sacred Romance” by John Elderidge. He opens
the book by recalling nights on his family’s childhood farm—the feel of soft
sand between his toes as he visited the river at dusk, the scent of hay and
grass, the crickets and stars, and the feeling that everything was all right.
He writes about returning to the same spot years later as a cynical young
college student, hardened, in the beginnings of winter, and standing on a
bridge looking out over that same stream on that same farm. The water was muddy
and cold, choked with dead branches and leaves, and the friendly “haunting” he
previously described had disappeared. His cynicism was right; the farm was
lifeless and had always been. He had been fooled, cheated—everything never was
all right, and would not be.
This chapter
brought tears to my eyes. I read it so many times I lost count; I felt
Elderidge’s pain, his disappointment, the feeling we all have of cynicism and
wounding. I could not put the book down, all the way through his woven stories
until we realize, in the end, that all is not lost—the farm and the river at
dusk were not lying but speaking greater truth than we can ever realize. It
moved me profoundly, and it remains one of my favorite books of all time. Not
because of his poetic words or descriptions—although he is poetic—but because
of his heart.
I would
encourage you as writers to take stock of several things:
What do you know (and love)?
What do you hate?
What moves you?
What are your areas of expertise?
What do you miss? (This one was key
for me!)
What are some of your most emotional
memories or experiences?
This is just a rudimentary list of beginning questions to make the writer
think and probe—I’m sure you can come up with more. Ultimately, though,
remember—your writing is not just for practicing craft and selling books. It’s
about YOU—your emotions—your disappointments and triumphs in faith and walk
with the Lord.
Apart from that it’s just a book on the shelf, sterile and cold,
that readers will praise but put back, unmoved and unconvinced. And even if we
sell a million copies, we will have still failed, for our hearts know the truth
and cry out to be heard.

You can purchase "Southern Fried Sushi" here.
Jenny, thanks so much for being our guest here today! Make sure you check out her books - they are all wonderful reads!
Karen Schravemade lives in Australia. When she's not chasing after two small boys or gazing at her brand-new baby girl, she spends her spare minutes daydreaming about the intricate lives of characters who don't actually exist. Find her on her website, on Twitter or getting creative over at her mummy blog.
This series is on my TBR list! :)
I love Jennifer's post. I'm working on a new book now and you've got me thinking, where's my heart in this? Where's the tug of emotion? If I can find those, I'll know I'm on the right track. Thanks for the great post!
I loved this post! Thanks so much!
The sushi series is awesome! And Jenny is so right about the emotion of a place. That's what I tapped into for my first novel. A place I long for all the time . . . I hope you'll check Jenny's books out - lots of fun!
Lovely post (and I LOVE that Steinbeck example...chills!). We have to have a passion for what we write. If we don't, why should our reader?
Jenny, great post! And you're right - I've read too many books that leave me flat.
But those books that breathe with the life of the author? Man, they'll bring me back time after time. The Steinbeck excerpt is a perfect example - while reading it, I was in the Badlands with him.
BTW - your books are in my Amazon cart :)
Lunch soon, okay?
Jan - really? Thanks so much! I'd love to have lunch again! I'm actually going to Rapid tomorrow for the big ultrasound (boy or girl! squeal!!!) if you'd like to meet! Because probably we'll be done around noon or one and starving.
I loved Steinbeck's description of the Badlands... maybe it's because I had a similar impression many years ago. They're beautiful!
Can't wait to read your WIP - it sounds awesome!
Lindsay - I know what you mean about having a passion about what we write. It really comes across to readers - and to us when we read somebody else's work.
Thanks so much for reading and commenting! What's your current WIP now?
Blessings! - Jenny
Melissa - thank you so much for reading my post! It's amazing how much stronger our WIPs can be when we write from our passions. Even if you lift the experience and transfer it to a different era (if you're doing historicals, for example) the "heart" still comes through.
What kind of story are you working on now?
Thank you, Susan! It's taken me more than 30 years to come to the "write what you know" realization - LOL! Of course that's not all you can write about, but for me it was absolutely key.
God bless!
Jennifer - you of all people really know how to write from your heart! I could tell just by reading your books that you know and love those beautiful locations in NC. (Shameless plus: Jenn's book "A Familiar Shore" was just released, is on Amazon, and is *wonderful*! Do yourself a favor and read this one!!)
I don't know why, but place is so key for me. Maybe becuase I really get attached to where I live? I don't know. But even now, as I try to find a setting for my next WIPs, I struggle with finding a setting that evokes emotion. Or otherwise (to me) why bother?
Thanks for reading, Jenn! You're amazing!
What a lovely article! You've confirmed what I've learnt the hard way with my writing. There are many incomplete books that didn't have my heart in them. My setting is not so important but often the conflict in the characters come from something I've gone through or can identify with.
Jennifer, I loved your post here. You've got me thinking about my story, and my heroine. Maybe part of the reason I'm having trouble making her likeable is because my heart isn't in her. Hmmmmm.
I loved The Sacred Romance, and years before I began writing, I resonated with what the two authors wrote. The quote from Steinbeck also moved me.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom today. And I hope your appt tomorrow goes well. My family and I were in Rapid about two weeks ago, on vacation. :)
Your books sound very interesting!
Fabulous post, thanks for sharing! I am working on a new story idea while I finish up my WIP and I love the idea of asking myself those questions and writing what I know. Thanks again!
I just read this on http://www.davidfarland.net/writing_tips/?a=105:
"In fact, have you ever noticed that we don’t really have genres? We tend to buy our books based upon the emotions that they promise to arouse."
It's an interesting thought. Does this mean that those 'literary' fiction books that I find so hard to read lack emotion?
(I think I know which book you are refering to. The funny thing is, that's the best of the series. There is just something missing from the books, and I think you're right. It's the emotion. They are romances, but as a reader, I just don't see the romance, the passion.)
Hi, Iola! I love your quote - wow, that's really good!
Ohhhh I hope I haven't been too judgmental about the books - if it's the same series! I didn't give the name on purpose because I don't like slamming other people's books... mine have SO many flaws and weak spots of their own to criticize! I did notice, though, that something just seemed... "missing" from that book - and it really stood out to me.
I like a good romance, but it's got to have more than just "girl meets guy" for me - it's got to have something that moves me.
Thanks for reading, Iola!
Hi, Iola! I love your quote - wow, that's really good!
Ohhhh I hope I haven't been too judgmental about the books - if it's the same series! I didn't give the name on purpose because I don't like slamming other people's books... mine have SO many flaws and weak spots of their own to criticize! I did notice, though, that something just seemed... "missing" from that book - and it really stood out to me.
I like a good romance, but it's got to have more than just "girl meets guy" for me - it's got to have something that moves me.
Thanks for reading, Iola!
Cindy - thank you! It really helped me a lot. I hope it makes a difference for your WIP! God bless!
Jeanne - isn't "The Sacred Romance" a great book? I thought by the title that it might be boring, but a friend recommended it, and it turned out to be one of the best books I've ever read.
Hey, do you live in SD?? Or were you just visiting?
Blessings, Jeanne!
Kathleen - yes, I know what you mean! It doesn't have to be the setting that moves you (although it's a big one for me for some reason) but something in the experience or characters must resonate with you personally, or the emotion just doesn't come across to readers.
Happy writing!
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