
Saturday, July 21, 2012

What's Up the Street for Next Week

Congratulations are due to the Christy award winners announced this past Monday! What a great organization it is and a fantastic witness for Christ in the world of literature.

Maybe...someday...we'll be able to celebrate with fellow alley friends and authors who will be celebrating their own Christy success! ;-)

What's up for next week?

Pepper steps in as a substitute for Angie, who is away on vacation (yes, we all envy her). It's all about when the going gets tough on Monday.

Figure out some of the characteristics of a good critique group on Tuesday with Julia.

Christy-Finalist and multi-pubbed author Jennifer Rogers Spinola is Karen's guest on Wednesday!

It's conference season! Fine-tune that pitch with Angie on Thursday.

Plotting?? For a panster?? Cindy treads dangerous waters on Friday.

Sidewalk Talk...

Julia was the featured guest on Debra Wallace's blog. Check out a story excerpt here!

Christy Award winners courtesy of Wynn-Wynn Media


  1. Great post, Casey. Thanks! Looking forward to this week! Hope you have a wonderful, and dare I wish, cool Saturday. :)

  2. Looking forward to next week, Casey. Congrats to the Christy Award winners!

  3. Let's hope so, Jeanne! Great to have you back, we missed you!

    Loree, it's shaping up to be a great one!

  4. I am so glad I found your blog and have been following for a couple of weeks now. Your content is great & very helpful. Keep up the good work! :) Also, thanks for posting the Christy Award winners. I read "Dry as Rain" and "Words" last week on vacation. Great books!
