
Saturday, May 12, 2012

What's Up the Street for Next Week?

We closed the week on a encouragement/celebration high!

Throughout the weekend edition, watch for the quotes in bold from Friday's post, were we celebrated how far we've come in our writing!

To me, the most exciting thing about my writing growth is KNOWING that I've learned. ~ Joanne S.
Photo Credit ~ Microsoft Office

If you didn't get a chance to comment Friday, don't worry. Just get on board today and share how far you've come in your writing. And take time to remember and focus not just on everything you still need to learn, but everything you HAVE learned.

Enjoy it! You're only here once. :-)

...I think my most favorite area of growth is in greater peace and trust that God is in control of my writing journey ~Melissa T.

Coming next week...

Monday we welcome guest Naomi Rawlings back to the blog to talk setting...and there will be a book giveaway of her debut novel as well!

Edits are daunting. But on Tuesday, Julia has tips on where to start first.

Sometimes it really is okay to tell. Or so Ashley will tell us on Wednesday. Stop by to learn more about show-don't-tell.

Thursday is Karen's debut blog post! We're excited to have her here with us.

Friday, Cindy continues her know your reader posts.

Sidewalk Talk...

The other achievements are harder to measure, it's more of a feel. I no longer feel in the dark now, and felt at home in Elizabeth Sherrill's Master's Writing Workshop a few weeks ago. ~ Sarah

Krista was interviewed last week by Nicole O'Dell of Choose NOW Radio. You can listen to her story about her journey with baby Annabelle at this link→ (Right hand side, Krista Phillips on Surrender)

We have a winner from Friday's post...Joanne Sher! I've emailed you, so be checking that inbox!

I look at how far my story/plot idea has come, and that makes me happy. I've also gotten a better vision for who I'm targeting with my writing. ~ Lindsay

Have a great week and we'll see you right back here on Monday. :-)


  1. Great weekend post, Case!
    And LOOOOOOVVVE all the quotes!

  2. A BANNER week for me! Not only am I quoted in the alley - TWICE! - but I won a book!! LOVE this place - and you guys. Can't wait to read the posts for next week either. Woo!

  3. I'm glad you're giving us another chance to talk about ourselves... now does that sound wrong, or what!

    I posted my "improvements" on Friday's post, just to keep it all in one place, but thought I'd let you know here, too.

    I'm learning so much from this Alley - really glad I wandered into it.


  4. Pepper, isn't it inspirational??

    Joanne, seems you're an honorary member. ;-)

    Becky, SO glad you're here!!!

  5. Casey, what a fun WE. I thught I wrote here this morning, but I musta thunk wrong. :) Loved reading the quotes. You ladies are truly a blessing!

    Thank you for all you do.
