Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Writer's Inspiration

Alley Cats Mary and Casey
Every writer needs inspiration.

And some of you get said inspiration from different areas of life.

Some of you need a good book to remind what you are aiming for.

An...unusual circumstance (we are writers after all) to get those creative juices flowing

Some of you need to be pushed and pulled, proded and poked along the writer's journey.

And some of you (like me) need people.

People who love and support you.

People who've always got your back.

Alley friend Beth Vogt
But know how to give you a good stiff kick in the pants.

People who stop and pray when you're struggling.

People who understand when a hug is better than a lecture, when a promise that it's all going to be okay is better than the realistic, "pull your head out of the sand" order.

Then "yell" at you and remind you that life isn't easy and sometimes we have to push harder for God to make us stronger.

People who push and reminde you why you do this crazy writing thing.

Pepper and Casey
Because you want to get LOTS of FORTUNE and FAME.

Um, yeah. They also keep your grounded. ;-)

Good writing friends keep you laughing.  Keep you writing. Keep you motivated.

Right now in this season of my life with two jobs that grab three full days of my week, blogging, writing (really those are switched in importance, I promise), reviewing, life, family, responsibilities OUTSIDE the internet world, I cling to these friendships.

I am reminded that these other writers are on the other end of their computers with the same struggles (many with waaay more than I could dream of), but still pushing through. They are still plunking down to write, still squeezing in a few minutes to be inspired and thus inspire me.

Casey and crit partner Andrea Nell
No matter if you an introverted or extroverted person we all need someone. I think about all the people that probably don't even realize that in being them--they inspire me. Do you realize that in being the writer you are, you inspire other writers--even other people??? You are doing what a great deal many people can't do:

You are pursuing your dream.

You are taking an action where so many others are passive. Embrace this! It doesn't matter where you are in the process, you are in the process and you will never learn if you can do something unless you TRY.

You have no excuses. We have no excuses. I have no excuses. Here on the Alley we want to support you! We want to be the gals that encourage and support you and all we ask is you to turn around and do the same for someone else.

Keli Gwyn and Casey
That's what I learned at ACFW this year's conference. It doesn't matter who you are. You don't pay $1500+ unless you have a dream you're passionate about. You don't sit at your computer every. day. to write. unless you're passionate about this dream and dance with words.

And you no matter where you are, whether you've attended a large conference or not, you're surrounded by other writers also pursuing their dream. Be encouraged! LET yourself be surrounded. Cultivate those kind of friendships that will lift you up when you feel down.

And the best kinds of friendships is when the other person doesn't even realize they are buoying you up. Because in being them you become more of you.

You don't have to do this on your own.

No MATTER where you are.


Beth K. Vogt said...

Oh. My. Word.
Casey, my sweet friend, you'll never know how much I needed this post.
First ... to see our photo on this blog. A reminder of the hugs we shared at ACFW. The smiles. The "I finally got to meet Casey!" moments.
And to know I encouraged you ...
How this encouraged me.
It's been a rough go the last few weeks in my corner of the writers' world. Just. Too. Much. To. Do. (You know? Yeah, you do.)
This post is such a good reminder, such a good warning, really: Don't do this writing life gig alone. There's always someone(s) there to help!!

Mary Vee Storyteller said...

So well said.
The hard part is noticing the great support friends when life smacks you upside the head. God gave us these great friends, more than we could ever imagine "for such a time as this."
Inspiring and strengthening post:)
Love yah, Case.

Joanne Sher said...

I SOOO need people like this, and God has blessed me with so many - including several of the Alley Cats. I could NOT do it without folks. SUPER post, Casey!

Sarah Forgrave said...

Beautiful words, Casey. I think that's why we all crash after ACFW. It's hard to replace that high of being with like-minded souls in person. I'm thankful for forums like this one to connect. :)

Jeanne Takenaka said...

Great post, Casey! So true. God has made us to be interdependent, and that includes in the writing life. Love seeing the pics, and I hope to meet you (and the other Alley Cats) sometime. :)

Pepper said...

AWESOME post, Case.
So needed.
So wonderful!
And definitely a breath of fresh reality my way today.

In this 'solitary' world with all the voices in our heads - it's SO nice to know there are others who understand. Who love you. And who 'get' it!
And still like you ;-)

Oh dear, I'm encouraged by that.

Pepper said...

And Case,
I LOVE that pic of the two of us. It not only visually reminds me of giving you a hug - I can actually 'feel' it when I see the pic.

You are a blessing!

Casey said...

Oh BETH, oh yes we are here for you, in your corner! I couldn't write this post and NOT include our photo. I can't tell you how much your prayers gave me peace during the conference. Made ALL the difference. I heart you! :)

MARY, I can't begin to say how many times people (esp. on Twitter) when they talk about the strides they are making with their writing and where it has taken them, gives me the extra energy to go on. My Alley Cats do that for me too. Yah right back. ;)

Casey said...

JOANNE, no, you don't have to and don't even bother trying. It's too important of a journey to travel alone. So glad we can be here with you!!

SARAH, I agree. And what made such a huge difference for me, is I've met you now. I know your face, your voice, what you're like and it makes the depth of our online friendship all the stronger. It helps me knowing I'm not losing contact, I'm gaining. :)

Casey said...

JEANNE, I think it's more for the writing life. And YES I so look forward to the day I can meet you! You've been such a wonderful Alley support, glad to share this journey with you!

PEP, I would put that picture of us on my desktop, but my screen is too wide and makes us look funny, but I LOVE it too! Oh my goodness, I can't help staring when I see it. :)

And yes, people that know us and still love us. Even after spending several mornings with me. LOL! :)

Casey said...

OH PEP! SO PROUD OF YOU that you submitted! Now to just pray God's will be done. :D

Keli Gwyn said...

I love my writing buddies! Meeting you in person, Casey, and seeing firsthand what a delight you are was a highlight of the conference for me.