
Saturday, July 30, 2011

What's Up The Street For Next Week?

The Writer's Alley is taking you to the movies!

So many great plots, characters and dialogue can be found in a movie. So often in writer's classes you will hear movies referenced as a good example. So settle in with your popcorn and keep the remote (er mouse) close at hand, because we are going to be covering some of our favorite of all time films!

For your viewing pleasure...

Pepper takes us through the twists and turns of Indiana Jones on Monday.

Sherrinda on Tuesday will go through the moving film Return to Me. Such a great movie, sure to be a great post!

We watched it when we were young and now we watch it for character structure. Mary brings Beauty and the Beast to the blog on Wednesday

Casey takes a family favorite down from the shelves on Thursday: Loving Leah

Friday Krista swings by the Alley to talk about how writing movies are not like writing books. ;-)


How to write a killer book proposal

Stop by Casey's blog to read DiAnn Mills "Cold Call" interview and enter to win her Christy award winning novel.

Sarah is giving away her monthly $10 Amazon gift card on Monday on her blog!


  1. Love, love movies! Don't know how good my post will be, but LOVE Indiana Jones!!

    And Krista's playing devil's advocate here! LOL!

  2. Oohh, I can smell that popcorn from here. I feel an afternoon snack attack coming on! :) Looking forward to talking about the big screen with you ladies next week!

  3. I need to rent Loving Leah and Return to Me before they're discussed, (I've seen the others). Want to reap all I can from this week's post.

  4. You know me...the ROGUE of the bunch!!!! Looks to be a fun week!

  5. It does look fun! I need to go write my post now. :)

  6. Pooh, I want to be a rogue. Doesn't that sound adventurous?
