We don't often get all we want to get done during the balmy days of summer, but we can still set ourselves writing goals!
And there is nothing better than hitting that marker (and maybe, just maybe, even passing it)
September and the fall conferences will be here before we know it, so get a move on and pull out the laptop for a little one on one time!
Coming up next week...
Monday brings Pepper as your hostess with on Writing When it Hurts.
Sherrinda will be joining us on Tuesday with her usual dose of humor and good advice and a post titled...ahem...Are You a Good Hooker? (don't worry we are still a G-rated blog!)
Mary continues her series on mentoring with her next installment on those first sentences--lessons learned from the master author/teachers.

Classic advice, "Get in late, leave early" is the topic for Casey's Thursday post.
Ever felt like quitting? Yep, me too. Krista has her thoughts on throwing in the towel on Friday.
Sarah is giving away her monthly $10 Amazon gift card on her blog on Monday
See the latest in Christian fiction titles for June!
Did you miss it?? Our first Alley Cat got herself an agent! Share in the exciting news on Krista's blog

**Photos courtesy of Flickr
Wow, almost seems like there are some themes going for next weeks posts! Praying & Praising for all the Alley Cats this week!
Congrats, Christa. Soo excited about this next week. EVERY post looks like something I need. I WILL be back!
I'm looking forward to reading next week's blogs, especially the one about first sentences. I really need some help on those. :) See you in the Alley!
And we are looking forward to having you all visit!
Not to mention reading what other Alley Cats write. We all learn so much from each other and the comments left by our friends.
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