We have been blessed, wouldn't you say? I can't write a celebratory post without reflecting on how far we have come and how blessed we are. In just a few short months the Alley has welcomed 201 other people that are just as hungry for writing knowledge (or win a good book, but hey, we won't be segregating here). We started out with five crazy ladies that had a message to share with the world and now our number has doubled to ten, who share the same faith and passion for the written word.
Now wouldn't you agree that we are all blessed? I can say nothing else.
So take a hat, blow a horn and tap your shoes to the beat of music you prefer. There is plenty to go around. Balloons and streamers and smiling faces, the Alley is festooned to the gunnel's and we are so excited to have you here. Thanks for making this a grand journey! May it not end here! :-)
Monday: Angie is your host today, sharing how to beat writer's block, garner inspiration and move fast the doldrums of painstacking writing fears.
Tuesday: Julia welcomes a guest to the Alley in Chris Fabry! Chris will enlighten and move us with his words on inspiration on what makes a writer.
Wednesday: Rejection Stinks...or Does it?? Sarah will explore this concept with her post today.
Thursday: Wendy talks about putting a belt around that sagging middle. No, not that sagging middle, the sagging middle of your story.
Friday: Secondary Characters, Friends/ Family and Sidekicks are the subject of Cindy's post on portraying great backup actors in your story.
Now I promised giveaways right?? Well here they are! Be sure and enter below in the comment section and tell us which one you would like to be entered for. Thanks for making the Alley such a great place to be! :-)
On Monday, Mary hosts award winning author, Lori Scott with a giveaway of one of her books on God Loves Kids

Also, check out Casey's sidebar for other contests that are going on at the moment.
On Operation Encourage an Author, stop by to say hello to Heartsong author, Darlene Franklin. A book is being given away too!
Be sure and leave a comment to be entered in today's PARTY! We love to celebrate here on the Alley, so bring a party platter, grab a cupcake and let the fun begin! :-)
I love popping in at the alley, even though I don't always comment. And I appreciate the giveaways you host. So I'll just keep entering these contests until I win one! I'd love to win either book if my name is chosen. Thanks so much! reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Woohoo! I loooove a party! I want to grab one of those cupcakes out of that lovely picture and make it my breakfast. My waistline doesn't have to know, right? :)
Yeah! What a great party! Congrats ladies! Love the picture of the cupcakes. If I won I'll pick the book Lassoed in Texas. I've read Mary's books and know they are great. Thanks for the giveaway.
Oh what a happy day!!!
Just think - when we reach 300 we'll have to give away 3 books!!
GREAT post, Case.
I'm off to FB about it
Another busy week! I always enjoy good secondary characters, Friday should be good! I would love to win Austin's book, While We're Far Apart.
Woo-hoo fun party!!
Shhh, Sarah your waistband will never know because they are calorie free! Didn't I mention that?? I guess not...
Renee, we LOVE it when you visit, we love it when you ALL visit! Thanks for coming by today, the fun never stop!!
Congrats on achieving 200+ followers. Love the celebratory cakes and bunting. Yes rejection stinks and can create writer's block. I shall have to check out those posts! :O)
Yay for 200 followers! That's amazing!
Hmm, I'd love to win Lassoed in Texas. I have seen her books before and always wanted to read them.
Please enter me for the Connealy book. Thanks! rmjagears AT gmail DOT com
Congratulations, The Writers Alley!!! You guys are wonderful, and it's fabulous that you have so many followers! :D
Thank you for my new book!!! Casey said she sent it off to me yesterday, so I can't wait to read it! :D
Can't wait for Casey's party, as well! Lots of fun going on for us bloggers. ;)
I don't know if I really should be allowed to enter another giveaway so soon, but I'd appreciate the chance to win While We're Far Apart, if that's legal. ;) Thank you!
Thanks Casey for doing a great job decorating and welcoming others to the party.
I brought cheesecake, choose your topping.
Great week of posts coming up. Excited to read them with our friends who've stopped by. See y'all there!
@ Amber, of course! Enter every giveaway you want. :)
@Mary, ooooh, you just became my favorite person this morning. I LOVE cheesecake! Though I am a purist, I just like it plain. I haven't had any in for-e-ver. Yuuuuummm! :)
Oh, I would love to be entered to win Lassoed in Texas! Thank you for the giveaway and CONGRATULATIONS on #200!!!
Cindy W. =o)
I'd like to be entered for the book by Lynn Austin. Thank you so much for this opportunity.
ohiobuckeye91 [at] gmail [dot] com
I have read most of Lynn Austin's books (but not this one yet) and have just recently been introduced to Mary's books. I would be thrilled to win either book. Thanks for having the drawing.
I love the encouragement. Thanks. I would be "blessed" to win either book ;)
Those cupcakes look sooo yummy! I would love to win -While we're far apart. Sounds like such a great read! Thanks! jacquecurl1(at)gmail(dot)com
Been following your site for some time and really enjoy what you share.
Carman sent me.
I would love to win While We're Far Apart.
Thanks for the fun giveaway. Keep up the good work!
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
I would love to have the Lassoed in Texas Trilogy!
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)
showcasesisters at gmail dot com
Congratulations on reaching 200 followers!! I would love to win the Lassoed in Texas Trilogy!!
Thank you,
jmschwindt at cox dot net
congratulations to 'the writer's alley' :)
please enter me for either novel. thanks :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Thoses cupcakes look yummy. I would love to win either of the books, I love Anustin's books and have not read any of Mary's. Thanks
sonflower277 at gmail dot com
Hey, good luck in the drawing everyone. Great blog.
Oh these BOTH look good...I can't choose! I suppose I'd really like the Lassoed in Texas Trilogy...but I would be happy with both!
Please enter me in this great giveaway:)
I am so happy for this opportunity!
Many Blessings:)
chakasa58 at gmail dot com
WOW! Thanks for making my day! This is definitely a great giveaway! Both look and sound great, but my heart belongs to the Lassoed in Texas Trilogy... ya can't go wrong with Mary Conneally!
apeygirl at gmail dot com
I love parties and cupcakes! I'd also love to read while we're far apart! Thanks for the giveaway!
artsyrockerchick at aim dot com
I would love to enter for the Lynn Austin book! What a great party!
Michelle V
Great party! I would love to enter for While We're Far Apart.
:D Please enter me for Lassoed in Texas!
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