It’s PAAAAAARTY Time on The Writers Alley. So pull out your best or most zany outfit and put it on. We’re going to celebrate.
First things first – MICHELLE is the winner of Making Waves!! Woohoo! Congrats, Michelle.
What are we celebrating, you ask?
And as part of our celebration, we’re giving away a prize. Yvonne Harris’ book, The Vigilante’s Bride. Just leave your name and email address to be placed in the drawing for your chance to win.

Julia Reffner

Cindy Wilson

Sarah Forgrave -
Aren't they LOVELY?!?
Check back next week for their interviews so you can get to know the newest faces of The Writers Alley.
The oldies but goodies have some great posts about Introducing Your Characters with a Swoon, The Inner Sanctum, Essence in Plotting, Building Your ‘Tribe”, Romancing The Blog, and much more.
Next weekend we’ll also be giving away another great prize in celebration!! Stop in on Sunday to find out what!! Next weekend we’ll also announce the winner of Laura Frantz's books from yesterday. Either one is FABULOUS!! You can learn more about her books at
News Stand
Pepper starts her new blog series, Fall Into Love, on Words Seasoned With Salt. The fun begins on Monday, October 11th and runs until she can't find any other authors willing to participate. :-) Join some of your favorite authors as they answer the question – What does it look like when your characters Fall In Love? Each other will also provide an excerpt to prove their points :-)
Sarah has a Amazon gift card giveaway tomorrow on her blog. Check it out for your chance to win!!
Casey is hosting author Alice J. Wisler on Operation Encourage an Author!
Mary continues her Bible stories for family series on the ten plagues on God Loves Kids.
And on Writing for Christ, check out giveaways with A.K. Arenz and Sarah Sundin
And on the 7th of this week, new Alley author, Julia interviews Casey on her blog. Hope you can check it out!
Julia is doing"Blogging as a Ministry" all week at her blog, Dark Glass Ponderings, with a giveaway for a custom blog header from Custom Blog Designs
Casey is hosting author Alice J. Wisler on Operation Encourage an Author!
Mary continues her Bible stories for family series on the ten plagues on God Loves Kids.
And on Writing for Christ, check out giveaways with A.K. Arenz and Sarah Sundin
And on the 7th of this week, new Alley author, Julia interviews Casey on her blog. Hope you can check it out!
Julia is doing"Blogging as a Ministry" all week at her blog, Dark Glass Ponderings, with a giveaway for a custom blog header from Custom Blog Designs
GOOOD Mornin'!
Cinnamon Rolls and cheesy egg souffle for the crew.
And a blessed Sabbath to you all.
Lots going on this week, so come enjoy the fun.
I have the Turtle Mochas to go with the Cinnamon Rolls. :)
Would love to win Vigilante's Bride.
Please put me in the drawing.
Oy, I think all this blog partying is not going to be good for my waistline! Love that you invited a dog to your party though...mine would like to join in playing balloon tag!
Looking forward to finding my way around this blog as well. I'll just have to get up earlier in the morning to fit all my blog reading in! LOL
Don't enter me in the draw for The Vigilante's Bride, I've read it, reviewed it and LOVED it.
Ohh, this is going to be exciting!! :)
May I just say
Someone needs to yell a BIG THANK YOU to Wendy.
Turtle Mocha!
I'm there - Turtle Mocha. Yum.
Kav, we hope you enjoy stopping by. We're VERY visitor friendly :-)
Carmen sent me over!
Please enter me in the draw! :)
Oh boy--fun things coming up! I love cinnamon rolls, too :D
I would love to be entered to win The Vigilante's Bride. It looks like a great read. Thank you for the chance to win.
Cindy W.
Woooohooo! What a fun week. I'm throwing in some chocolate muffins. chocolate in the morning? Pshaw, I say!
Can't wait for the interviews!!!!
I so enjoy Writer's Alley! Please enter me in the drawing . . . reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com (And BTW, I noticed this on Carman's blog but also received my email update!)
Carman sent me.
The sounds pretty fun!
Please enter me!
Great website! Enter me in drawing please! Carman sent me!
walkinfaith4him [at] yahoo [dot] com
I'm so glad all of Carman's friends stopped by today! But who is Carman? I want to meet such a sweet friend who is sending us new friends! Have I missed her?
Glad to join in the celebration!
Beth Vogt
Oh, this book looks good. I've heard some nice things about it. Carman sent me.
Hi! Carman also sent me over. Please enter me in the drawing! :) Thank you so much!!
katiegalyean (at) yahoo (dot) com
God bless!
~Katie G.
Sherrinda, Carman has a giveaway blog here: I send her all our giveaways and she advertises them for us. Isn't that nice?? :)
please add my name to this fabulous giveaway...thanks :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I'd love to enter the drawing!
Please enter me..I've heard a lot of good things about this book.
sundaisy920 at gmail dot com
Thanks! :)
Hope everyone had a lovely MOnday. Well, it's not quite over, but late enough to reflect on the day, eh?
You ladies always have so many fun things going on! sounds like a busy week. I'll definitely try to stop by more!
Welcome new authors! This should be exciting to get some new faces around the alley!
I'd love to be entered in for the book. Like Angie, I've heard a lot of good things about it. Thanks!!
Please enter me! Looks like an awesome read!
Looks like a good book!
Please sign me up!
Please enter me!
Please count me in for the giveaway.
woohooo! Look at all these names to add in our drawing. What fun!!
oooh, i'd love to enter!! thanks so much!!
i'm a new follower!
inthehammockblog at gmail dot com
I would love to be entered in the give away!
Carman sent me.
YAY! I have a chance!
April D.
so interested in this book!It would be a great birthday gift, too. It's 10/10/10 @1010 heehee, cool, huh?
Please enter me for the giveaway and THANKS for the chance!
charsaltz (at) yahoo (dot) com
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